Got the rust

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Established Member
11 Apr 2004
Reaction score
Paignton Devon
Condensation (from the frost) has hit my tablesaw.


So I have spread a little mineral oil around the area for the time being and put a polythene shee over table.
Any better suggestions?

Wont polythene make for condensation, making things worse? My cast iron machine tables are kept covered with old towels, my logic is that it will insulate the iron from any moisture that might condense on it. I also use a rust preventative spray sold by screwfix that dries almost like a thin varnish and that is good too. Rust is the one PITA about iron, isn't it.
My problem is I have an asbestos corrugated roof and the frost thawed and dripped/condensation.

I think things will be dry enough under the poly.
I bet its difficult to do anything with an asbstos roof without upsetting it. Could you not build a false ceiling below with plenty of insulation and a damp proof membrane built in.
I have two metalwork lathes that weigh two and a half tons each, plus other wood working machines and the oil vaseline works fine Like you in a tin shed
DW wrote
My problem is I have an asbestos corrugated roof and the frost thawed and dripped/condensation.
This is the problem i had when i converted the garage into a workshop,with the same sort of roof.Had to cover all machines with plastic sheeting.When it froze and started to thaw,it was like it was raining on the inside.Not good :shock:
So the roof came off and boarded and felted it.No problem since :D It was done in a weekend with a little help.
Also use those breathable covers now you can get for my ts,lathe,joiner.
Paul, perhaps for me also one day.

Problem 1. 30 square metres. and its asbestos, council does not want to know. The job is most robably beyond my endurance and everyone runs when they see the roof.
I have some 3 ply on mine with a cut part way across fence parked on extreme rhs to form a quick remove cover its rust free so far.
DW wrote
and its asbestos, council does not want to know.
Yes i suppose that is your main problem.Mine wasn't asbestos,it was that corrugated immitation stuff,weighs a ton:roll:
What if you had that spray foam applied.Would that work :?:
Like Andy I would have thought that the polythene could make matters worse. I suspect that you could get condensation forming under the polythene. Apart from protecting the cast iron surface with some oil or wax if you feel that you must use polythene it may be wise to place a few silica gel bags on the table surface.

Cheers :D
What if you had that spray foam applied.Would that work

It works very well, dunno about cost though. The argument about Asbestos cement though is another daft idea from the, 'we know better what's good for you brigade.'
The damn stuff is a grade 2 carcinogen. Ooh! That sounds nasty doesn't it?
Well it is grade 2, along with Talc, Beer and the contraceptive pill! 8)
A DIY way out is to use loft type insulation, that works well also.

Yeah Digit,
back in the middle 60's I removed with a hammer and bolster chisel an asbestos ceiling in a garage of mine at that time.

I am now in my seventies and know that something I did in my younger days should get me during the next few years.

So whatever it was, dont do it :wink:
I doubt very much that it will get you DW.
My bungalow is roofed with the stuff, and when I moved in the walls were constructed of it. The council happily accepted it after I had had a chat with the relevant officials.
The history of the foul up with asbestos cement goes back to some faulty research in the States some years ago which resulted in the classification of all asbestos products as dangerous. Since then asbestos cement has been removed from the list over there.
Our present situation came about from extensive lobbying in this country by, guess who? the asbestos removal companies, heavily backed by the HSE, who have now back tracked.
So effective was the removal companies propaganda that the insurance companies hiked their premiums so high a lot of companies have gone bust!
The Petard again.
The modern material has had the asbestos fibres replaced by plastic fibres that have had no relevant safety tests carried out on them I am told.
But what the hell. Nanny knows best! :roll:

I personally think (IMHO) that the fibreglass insulation filling in years to come will be a serious cause of death. All those fibres accumulating in the lungs.
Its in the loft, now between my cavity walls.

We get a gale come in and the home as a layer of dust, could be fibreglass?
According to the government there is no such risk DW. But then, who believes anything they tell us now anyway.
Sic transit gloria mundi!

Gloria's van broke down on Monday?

No! That's Donna E Mobile! :lol:

It's variously translated but usually, 'thus passes the world's glory.'


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