Free Web-Site Hosting

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Established Member
15 Dec 2002
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Gauteng RSA
Anybody know where there is a Free-Hosting site?
(Retired doing contract work, no bucks for beer AND web site!)

My first attempt was at a free hosting site, which downloaded so many adverts with each screen refresh, that I gave up.

Then I found this one, no adverts between loads.
I signed up at Great, lots of MB’s, FTP’s etc.
Gave it a name, populated it with pictures, jokes, woody stuff, contract information etc.
FTP’s all automated from desktop, what a pleasure.
All went very well for a while.
Sent the address to all family & friends. Added to my letterheads, my Invoices & Statements (contract work).

Then one day I wanted to download some new enhancements and information.
No luck, errors and time outs. Left it for a few days, tried again. Same story.

Ok, so now let’s just go and visit the site.
Type in www.****** , hit enter ……

PORN! Yes, it’s been turned into a porn site!
Go to look at the main 95MB site, also porn.

It would appear the whoever hosted this lot waited until it was well populated with sites and a good hit-rate and then turned all the sub-sites into porn!

Needless to say it required some very quick damage control with whoever I had copied with that address.

Anyway, I would again like to get it going and would appreciate some help on finding a ‘free’ hoster.


PS – so I don’t clutter the broadband with replies, A BIG THANKS in anticipation.

:lol: :lol:
Philly, that looks like a good idea.

Are you limited in the amount of space you use for HTML, JPEG etc.?

Where about in Google would i find it?

I have a G-Mail account, does that qualify?

Soooooo many questions .......

:? :? :?
Jaco":3p25t88m said:
Anybody know where there is a Free-Hosting site?
(Retired doing contract work, no bucks for beer AND web site!)

My first attempt was at a free hosting site, which downloaded so many adverts with each screen refresh, that I gave up.

The most important thing is to have a backup copy of your site on YOUR machine, so that if/when the vendor goes bust, you can transfer.

I heard a horror story of a guy who spent a lot of time making a site using the vendors (convenient, quite good) on-line tools. Had no backup.

Vendor went bust :-(

Either make your site locally (many tools are available free) and upload, or (at the least) download your own site using wget or something similar.

Thanks Philly
Will have a look at it when on the fast connection, not at home.

(now if only i would wake up and think about it and RFS then i would not ask such stupid questions ........ now where are my specs ..... :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: )
:roll: :roll:

BugBear - i developed and got it working on my laptop and then just file transferred. Developed it in HTML (could not find FREE software at that time)
HTML is actually quite interesting. Reminds of writing programs in machine code about 38 years ago.
How many of you can remember plugging a good old Holirith sorter, collator and processor?
O, and i still have 2 Facets in my workshop. How many know how to work them now days!
Question ...............
:? :? :?

Presume that that this can only be done on-line while connected?

If that, then not an option for me, still using dial-up, cleft sticks & runners.

Also have no intention of making Vodacom, Telkom, Vodafone even more wealthy!

Thanks chaps.
Will have a look at that one Matt.

Are there any hidden catches?
How long has it been going?

Hidden catches? There's bound to be something somewhere, given that it's free. Starting place might be that the first of the three websites they give as examples of people using their free webhosting is offline due to having exceeded its bandwidth allowance. As the owner of that site I would want to know how I managed to exceed my bandwidth allowance while being linked to as an example of how good the service is (doesn't demonstrate much forethought on the part of the people providing the hosting) but then that's a different issue. Hosting is the same as anything else. You get what you pay for.

Cheers Mike

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