Fastening device

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Dave Huxley

Established Member
3 Feb 2008
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I was recently looking at some turned pieces in a street craft market whilst on holiday in Malvern, this turner had made very nice chess piece which stored a miniature chess pieces inside, and also money boxes in various chess piece shapes. To open the boxes just a half to three quarter turn was required, a small peg was part of the make up of the closure design,the turner said it was his own idea, I wasn't close enough to see the whole thing. The chess pieces were about 6" tall and about 2.5" diameter.
Has anyone else seen this type of closure or has any idea how its done, I thought at first it was screwed. Would be very grateful if any one has any idea's.
Many thanks Dave
possibly an undercut groove on the female half with a notch taken out off the lathe. A Pin let into the male and also another let into the groove to limit movement and give grain alignment.

Think of a bayonnet light bulb with only one pip.

Many thanks Simon and John for your ideas,I don't think my routing skills are anywhere near Johns but a great idea and I think your boxes are first class John and well designed, I would be very proud of them.
Simon I think you have hit the nail on the head this must be the same design as the ones I saw in Malvern and should be straight forward to make. Hopefully I can get in the workshop later in the week and have a go,will let you know how I get on.
Many thanks again to you both for your idea's and help.