Fantastic old tools resource - TATHS newsletters

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Established Member
24 Jul 2007
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The Tools and Trades History Society has been around for over 30 years.
In that time it has published a huge amount of original research by its members - much of it unobtainable elsewhere.
I've referred to some of it before on here.

I'm pleased to be able to say that there is now much more than there was before, available as a public resource in line with the society's aim of educating the public about old tools and the trades in which they were used.

There are 117 newsletters in all, up to 2012. Enjoy!
Well that's me occupied for the next couple of years, thanks Andy. :-D
It's good to see that TATHS is so much appreciated. However, it does need help. Currently, the posts of Secretary and Treasurer are about to be unfilled. As a charity, TATHS cannot legally function without them. The Newsletter Editor is also retiring shortly.
It would be wonderful if someone from this forum could help - I don't think they are big jobs.
I'd volunteer myself, but my personal circumstances make that impossible at the moment.
You could contact Richard Smith at [email protected]
Just bumped into this thread again, on ed 51 now :)

I read here ; ... ecretaries

"Company secretaries
You don’t need a company secretary for a private limited company. Some companies use them to take on some of the director’s responsibilities."

Hope that helps legally speaking, although the work still needs to be done.

Thanks Dave, but there's an important distinction here. TATHS is an educational charity, not a company, and charities have to have Trustees to function.
Ooops sorry if I mis-led anyone.

I work minimum 55 hours per week, and also my voluntary work elsewhere, so wont be able to assist.

I did manage to find some information on the job description should anyone be curious or possibly interested or want to talk it through with Brigitte, Bob or Nick.
Hope this helps.


Positions vacant.
Those who attended the AGM this year will recall that in her report Brigitte said
she would be ready to hand over the reins should anyone else like to take over.
One or two tentative offers have been discussed by your Committee, and it is time
to ask you, the members, if anyone would like to volunteer for the job.
Brigitte has done this job with dedication for nearly seven years; I am sure you
will all wish to join me and the Executive Committee in thanking her for all her
hard work.
Very briefly, the job requires someone who is methodical, computer literate and
familiar with Excel (and for the future, Access would be an advantage). It would
involve about two to six hours per week, depending on time of year. There is a
small honorarium paid, plus all expenses, but don’t expect to get rich if you decide
to volunteer.
For a full job description and to discuss the work further, please contact our
Treasurer Bob Evans, or myself.

Needed Urgently:
Four New Committee members
4 members leave us at next year’s conference, having served their 4 year term on
SIMILAR CRISIS TO THE 2008 CONFERENCE, when Taths almost had to
Nick White, Chairman.
Nick White Windsor Hill House, Shepton Mallet, Somerset BA4 4JE
Tel: 01749 342582 e-mail: <[email protected] >
Bob Evans 6 Chobham Close, Ottershaw, Surrey, KT16 0NW
Tel: 01932 873104 e-mail < [email protected] >
(Contact details for other officials are on back cover of this Newsletter.)
TOOLS AND TRADES HISTORY SOCIETY Registered Charity No. 290474
The object of the Society is to advance the education of the general public
in the history and development of hand tools and their use
and of the people and trades that used them.
President : Ken Hawley
Vice Presidents: Richard Filmer Ken Kilby Brian Read
Jane Rees Christopher Proudfoot
Chairman: Nick White Windsor Hill House, Shepton Mallet, Somerset BA4 4JE Tel:
01749 342582 e-mail: <[email protected] >
Hon. Secretary: Paul Coutts 89 Eastwood Road, Leigh on Sea, Essex, SS9 3AH Tel:
01702 713812 e-mail <[email protected]>
Hon Treasurer: Bob Evans 6 Chobham Close, Ottershaw, Surrey, KT16 0NW
Tel: 01932 873104 e-mail < [email protected] >
Committee Members : Martin Cook, David Start, Tim Martin,
Michael Woods, Tony Waldis, Michael Rogers
Technical & Queries: Brian Read <[email protected]>
Events Organiser: Mike Rogers <[email protected] >
Publicity Manager: David Start <[email protected] >
Local Groups Liaison Officer: Position Vacant
Librarian: A. Waldis 17 Bawburgh Lane, Old Costessey, Norwich,
Norfolk NR5 0TR Tel: 01603 734707 <email [email protected]>
Newsletter Editor: Brian Read, 22 Windley Crescent, Darley Abbey, Derby
DE22 1BZ Tel: 01332 553430 e-mail: <[email protected]>
Editorial committee : TATHS Chairman; Jane Rees, Christine Ball,
Simon Barley, Brian Read
I’m a member and I’d love to volunteer but with a full time job and three small children I probably have less time than most to offer. In a few years perhaps.