Diy jigs etc - help to source components

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Established Member
11 Jul 2022
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East Anglia
Visiting the UK in the near future, and I would like to bring back with me as many of the components that I think that I will be needing.
Most items will be pre-ordered and delivered to an UK address, for me to collect.

I'd appreciate any help in finding good quality & good value sources for the following, please:
12mm ply
18mm ply
20 wide x 10mm thick aliminium T track
T nuts/bolts to suit
30 wide x 12mm thick aluminium T track
T nuts/bolts to suit
6 and 8mm stainless or plated metal threaded rod
Strong adhesive - wood to metal and plastic to metal
Plastic knobs with threaded inserts
Aluminium profile suitable for a fence, both 4 and 6 inch high

Probably other items needed, but thanks in advance for input.
I always though East Anglia was in the UK !!

For jigs then rather than get involved in the T track you can use microjig which is much easier and versatile plus also incorporate 20mm dog holes and you get a really good system for making allsorts of jigs.

Look at the website of online supply house WDS.
Tere are a couple of others similar, all supply commodity machinery parts to industry and end users.
Berger are another.

Great source for knobs, hand wheels, kipp and bristol lever handles, etc
As I like the dovetail profile T track, I'd look at Axminster UJK.

For aluminium extrusion, goto ebay.
Search aluminium profile and the size you want like 8040 / 4080
Be wary that slot width varies and that the distance of the slot from the edge varies with size, so 3060 will give you 2 slots, each 15mm from the edge and 30mm apart, this happens to line up with where the subfence mounting holes are positioned on my saw and would save me drilling more. Your saw is likely to be different and may push you towards a different profile.
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6 and 8mm stainless or plated metal threaded rod
Plastic knobs with threaded inserts

GWR Fasteners or Kays Fasteners for the threaded rod. Toolstation or Screwfix for same, but quality is not as good.

For the knobs, from China via eBay is best value, and there is no difference in quality. Be aware that threaded knobs come in two varieties, through hole and blind hole, so perhaps stock up on both. The other thing that is extremely good value from eBay sources are Kipp handles.

In small quantities, RS might be economic as they carry a limited subset of what WDS carry.

None of the aluminium profiles mentioned above match your 100mm requirement - the clue is in the 8040 name.
Thanks all for the help.
Lots to research.
Should keep me occupied with one eye on F1 or the rugby !

Formerly East Anglia, but now in France.
Loving it - except for the cost of diy stuff (post Brexit).