Discount at Axminster?

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Established Member
21 Jun 2011
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What's people's experience of 'haggling', for want of a better word, at Axminster? I'm in the market for some new kit, and fancy popping to the Festool store in Nuneaton - of course, Festool stuff isn't cheap, and so by the time I've made up a little list of things I'd like the total is in excess of £1500. Is there any scope for beating them up on the price to get a discount if you're spending a decent amount with them? I'd prefer money off, but might be happy with free goodies if they're the same make and are things that I want - guess there's always more of a chance that way. What are your experiences? Is it a no-hoper!
I'm pretty sure it's worked in the past - well worth a try if done politely.

A friend will not buy anything unless he gets a discount but sometimes he pushes it too far!

I have negotiated discount from them on a planer. Basically asked them to match the best uk Internet price I could find taking into account delivery charges. They looked it up online and agreed to match. So I got the best price going and got it from a retailer I trusted which I valued. Might have got a little bit more off if I asked maybe but I think the price I paid was fair to us both, though I can't actually remember what I got off :?

Festool might be a different matter though with the price fixing that goes on

Give it a try, nothing to lose

In my experinces with festool it's priced the same everywhere, and you can't haggle the prices of them,

But you might be able to get some free bits'n'bobs

I found this to be true with all the festools I've purchased (impact driver, ro90,of1400 & the midi Hoover)
Nath Lee Ham":dvul14mf said:
In my experinces with festool it's priced the same everywhere, and you can't haggle the prices of them,

But you might be able to get some free bits'n'bobs

I found this to be true with all the festools I've purchased (impact driver, ro90,of1400 & the midi Hoover)

Not any more , the dealers are free to discount now because festool were fined.
Hi, if I may veer this conversation slightly off course, I'm in the market for a new lathe, I figured I'd look for some discount voucher codes, but with no luck, none of the major lathe suppliers seem to do a voucher scheme, or am I just looking in the wrong places, and thoughts or help?
they probably don't. i was looking for something on ebay earlier and noticed that record power sell their refurbished models on there. might be worth a look. I think a lot of voucher codes have had their day- most people only check at checkout stage and the retailer then has to give a commission to the voucher code site too- they may as well just be open about the discount on their own site. still worth checking though, sometimes you get lucky.
When I bought my Axi P/T, they had a display model that was discounted. I was ready to buy it when I notived the knives had large nicks in them.

No problem, said the sales guy, I'll throw in a new set of knives. How about a new set of knives and a mobile base as well said I?

Sorry, he said, I can't do that on this display model but if you buy a new one, I can.

So, I got a new P/T, for the full price, with a spare set of knives and a mobile base, which worked out about the same as the display model, with the small discount and with the knives but paying for the base.
--not much luck here, not fussed like, but bought a Bosch jig saw for over 200quid last week from them because of the reputation they have on this forum (paying around 8pc over the cheapest source I think I can trust), and bought a Festool 'sander' and extras two days ago, giving them the opportunity to price match and they were playing hardball and refused. It got to the point when I was paying for the phone call, contacted them, they didn't even know their own part/code #'s, and I couldn't justify to myself why I was giving them the opportunity of my business...
I got a couple of Festool clamps thrown in no bother when I bought ats55 saw/rail kit wish ID haggled a bit more.
Good to hear the Festool price fix grip is easing. I have no affiliation with them what so ever but I've been very impressed with FFX. Check out their Green prices, savings of up to 20% in places ;)
jimmy rivers":swvdc90r said:
Good to hear the Festool price fix grip is easing. I have no affiliation with them what so ever but I've been very impressed with FFX. Check out their Green prices, savings of up to 20% in places ;)

I went with FFX after a quick chat, saved around 15pc on the lot compared with Axmster, which I'm happy with :)
jimmy rivers":1f0bg87h said:
Good to hear the Festool price fix grip is easing. I have no affiliation with them what so ever but I've been very impressed with FFX. Check out their Green prices, savings of up to 20% in places ;)

Who are FFX and what are Green Prices please?
If you spend over £1000 the usually offer 10% discount but it usually comes
In the way of free accsessorys rather than a discount off the main machines I have had several larger purchases with Axminster and this has always been the way
Last summer Festool had a discount scheme if you had a demo with their sales rep he could give you a voucher...I think 5% or 10%. You then redeem this at any of there stockists. Axminster took mine. Worth asking ? Geoff
Giff":goiov26m said:
Last summer Festool had a discount scheme if you had a demo with their sales rep he could give you a voucher...I think 5% or 10%. You then redeem this at any of there stockists. Axminster took mine. Worth asking ? Geoff

Sorry to be a bit late with a reply to this, but this scheme is still on-going (well was at the show I went to in Bluewater a couple of weeks ago). If I remember correctly you get £50 off if you spend over £500 and £100 off if you spend over £1000.
Sure haggling's the fun part of buying things, so long as your expectation of what a fair price for the product is (no point asking silly money from either retailer or an individual). There's always a middle ground and movement.
My dealings with axminster have been excellent!

Originally I ordered an axminster avswl 1100 lathe along with a k10 chuck, I returned this lot when I noticed that they had a better lathe on offer at a hugely discounted price to be then told that they had sold it before I could get it (after a lot of confusion on both ends). Anyway, to cut a long story short..... I ended up getting a slightly used jet 1642 lathe for £850 which was reduced from £1800 to £1000 for me to begin with, then after a further bit of persuasion I got an extra £150 off! PLUS it came with 6 months warranty!

Just ask, the worst they can say is no ;)
Did anyone go to the FFX show in Feb? Was it more than an open day? I've not heard of them.


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