Coronet Major

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boomerang bender

Established Member
18 Sep 2018
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I have a book called modern wood turning by Gordon Stokes published in the 1970s which uses the Coronet Major as the lathe for demo purposes. its available on ebay for £2.45 some of the subjects covered are the use of the Coronet Major and its features .
1,Drilling long holes using the Major centre finder and drilling holes at angles using a jig.
2. Drilling radial holes using a home made centre finder jig mounted on the lathe banjo saddle.
3, making a home made steady for the major for thin spindle work.
4. Using the coarse tooth saw blade or a disc cut from plywood and mounted on the saw mandrel to act as a indexing head for marking precise points for drilling or cutting flutes on stock etc.
It also gives good instructions for beginners in using the lathe and selecting and using tools and sharpening them and the attributes of mostly used woods with regards to ease turning each type
and lots of other info and projects.