Competition 063/06 Steve M- Mirror with a secret compartment

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Established Member
27 Jul 2003
Reaction score
Nottingham, England
Here I am thicknessing some Bubinga:

And cutting it into segments:

Shooting it straight:

And gluing it into hexagons:

Can you tell what it is yet?

There is some wood in there somewhere:

Trimming it all flush:

But pooooor little chap, it's so saaaad:

Will he make it through the night? But he's a strong little fella:
The next part is in maple, and I have to laminate round a former. But maple is not exactly renowned for its pliability. These laminates are only 2.3mm thick, and I can't get them round the former by hand yet, so I'm pre-stressing them over the weekend in the hope that on Monday I can vac them round my former without stress, if you see what I mean.

A bit more to show. I had to have two goes at the lamination. The first time I had the laminates at 2.3mm and that was too thick. At 1.3mm it was OK, but I still had to do it in stages. As you can see, the glue lines are not exactly invisible, but at least they are even and tight:


However, this is just the blank, which then needs to be shaped. Shaping reveals the different layers as feather edges, which doesn't look so nice:


So the last stage is to apply one last laminate to the outside to make it look pretty again. It's cooking in the bag (covered with a hot-water bottle and a pile of old towels, cos it's cold round these parts today) even as I type.
Well I've just about done.

The mirror is maple and bubinga.

Just a minute, Sooty is trying to attract my attention...
Yes, Sooty, what's the matter?
Say that again? What's that, Sooty, the comp was for curved STORAGE? Oh no! What shall we do, Sooty?
What's that, Sooty? You have a magic wand? OK, then let's all say the magic words, shall we, boys and girls?
Wiggley-woo, wiggly-woo, wiggly, wiggley, woo!
Cor, that's a relief, Sooty, good job you managed to magic a SECRET COMPARTMENT into it!

Yes, indeed, it does have a secret compartment. It's big enough to hold a normal matchbox, and therefore anything that will fit into one, such as a ring, a small flash drive, a memory card, etc.

But if I told you where it is, it wouldn't be a secret, would it?

I'll show it to the judges, and I dare say it will end up in GW in the fullness of time.

Taking a leaf out of Alf's book (did I say book?) I need a new bench, so a book on benches would be handy!

This was a lot more work that I imagined, but I am pleased with the end result. I hope you like it too.
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