Changing blades

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Honest John

Established Member
13 Dec 2014
Reaction score
Shaw, Lancashire
So I’ve just bolted down my New Axi EX21 in its final resting place and had a play. Internal cuts are wonderful with the Pegas blade clamp and pivoting arm enabling quick disconnect and reconnection of the top of the blade. When I come to change the blade I’m finding it difficult to locate the blade properly in the bottom blade clamp. When it looks like I’ve got it right, I find I have clamped too much of the blade in the bottom clamp and the top of the blade won’t reach the top clamp. Start again and I keep not gripping the bottom of the blade. I persevere and eventually I get it in the right posi5ion after a good deal of time and frustration. I expect I shall get better at it, but my question is, is there a simple way to locate the blade in the bottom clamp, perhaps even by feel rather than sight? Am I missing a trick? Like I say I shall perseverance and it will I’m sure get easier.
Eureka! Ive sorted it. After a sit down, meal, and a cup of tea I went back to the workshop, got on my knees and with the aid of one of those illuminated magnifying headband thingys had a proper look. It soon became clear that either the Pegas blades were too small or the spacing between the two clamps was too big! After checking the handbook it turns out that that’s what big black knob at the back is for. I guess you all knew that! A quick adjustment to that and all is well, I can slip blades in and out easily. Whilst I had the handbook out, I noticed a section about adjusting the front to back movement of the blades path. Adjusting this so that the blade is now moving straight up and down has made a huge difference to the saws performance. I thought that there must be a knack to getting the blade into the bottom clamp, but it was just the machine out of adjustment. (hammer)
hi when I got my axi I stated to put the blade in the top clamp and fed the blade down through the hole and it is a lot easier for my old arthritic hands that way.

take care
I’m going to try top feeding next time I’m scrolling. It is clear that my problem was that the machine was out of adjustment......either by me maladjustment it or being like that from the factory. Now I’ve sorted that, I can locate the blade easily in the underneath clamp. I cannot believe the difference since I adjusted the machine as stated in the handbook. I can now place a 10 pence piece on edge on the table, and it doesn’t topple!