Black Locust available in UK?

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Established Member
27 Oct 2005
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In the endless quest for the ideal wood for various things, I have read lots of complimentary comments from US woodworkers on the attributes of Black Locust (Acacia) - hard, strong, stable, resists rot etc.

Does anyone know if this wood is available commercially in the UK?

Atkins & Cripps don't do it... Googling doesn't show anything that suggests it's sold over here. Shame - I know it grows here, and apparently lots of it is used in parts of Eastern Europe.

I hope someone here will prove better than Google in this case!


Hi Miles968,

my post is to add some informations to your essence. I have put aside some wood I'll want to use for my first own workbench. In truth with one slab and some refuse I built my temporary bench.
Black Locust is a very hard wood and I think when I'll have done my bench I'll have to put some cork to don't damage soft wood furniture.
I wasn't going to admit that my query was inspired by the thought that this would be ideal stuff for a workbench top - so Gepetto's reply made me smile :)

There is so much effort involved in making a nice bench that the extra cost/effort of getting some nice wood is a small part of the whole - of course one can get readymade beech worktops, fingerjointed and so on, or go for hard maple which looks about the best overall wood (light colour, quite stable, hard) that is relatively easy to get hold of (Atkins & Cripps in Ely have some nice stock near to me ...)

Anyone else got their favourite benchtop materials? I know it's a hoary old question, but it's always fun to start these discussions :)

Gepetto - did you make your bench yet?

Miles968":13wxfqf0 said:
Gepetto - did you make your bench yet?


Hi Miles968,
unfortunately it isn't :cry: . Until few months ago I didn't have much time and alot of tools.
Now the free time is enhanced and my tool chest is more supplied hence workbench has to be the next major project.

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