Beginner advice sought.

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Established Member
16 Jul 2009
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Hi folks, I've never used a lathe before so could use a little advice for my first purchase. I'm hoping to make jewelry, rings to be specific and also have a go at other small items possibly bowls at some point.

I've seen a Clarke mini lathe in machine mart and wondered what you guys thought about it. As I say I have zero lathe experience so I could use advice on any additional parts I might need for my purposes.

Thanks in advance.
By coincidence, I saw this on YouTube earlier whilst wasting time! ... YM8VIpK0_U

I am on my phone, so you may have to search for cocobola ring. He recommends getting a tapered steel dowel so you can make different sizes. You may get away with turning a timber one, which would be friendlier on tools.

In all probability the machine mart lathe is probably crap. I don't have a lathe. When I do get one for doing tool handles and small bits, I have my eye on a jet mini, based on the fact that it is a commonly used one by demonstrators at clubs and shows and is varispeed.
I'd opt for the Jet also. They are a very reliable lathe and if something did go wrong Axi and Brimarc have very good customer care. The machine mart lathe is probably a chinese lathe and parts wouldn't be as readily available.
Many thanks guys, I also watched that video and it's convinced me to have a go. Only problem is Axminster are sold out and it's my Birthday this weekend!!

Bugger #-o
don't buy Clark I made that mistake big time first lathe I ever bought its so outdated they invented the wheel before that you wont do much with it other than give it to the scrap man .
Yep I recommend the jet mini, I bought it last year and its been brilliant. I went down to a minster and had a look, it was a toss up between the small electronically controlled a minster and the jet mini, but the jet just seemed a better quality to me

may be worth ringing axminster. They someimes have branch stock when they are out of sock at HQ. It just takes an extra day to get to you