Balsa wood???

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Established Member
26 Apr 2013
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Isle of Sheppey,Kent
Evening all. now either im stupid(er) than I think or I cant find balsa wood in decent sizes anywhere. Is it just not available in say plank or 4x4" lengths? I need some to make a surfboard from but cant find any thats either the right size or not millions of pounds.

Any help?
Never seen it like that.

What about western red cedar as an alternative?
One of the magazines, British Woodworking I think, ran an article on a surf board maker recently, search their back issues. You should find plenty of relavent info there.
You could try talking to SLEC who supply balsa into the model world. I know that they are also involved in wood preparation for light aircraft (we use balsa too) so may be able to help and have machining facilities. I suspect that they import balsa a raw form and sort it. Also try the 'Balsa Cabin' and others who supply the model trade - the specialists who supply 'contest' grade will be best as they will have better contacts. I know that there is a big importer in the UK who supplies a lot to the trade but at the moment I cannot recall who they are.

Let me know if you find a good source - am going to need one if I win the lottery and get to build a Mosquito!

hope this helps a bit

Is there any advantage of balsa wood over a large block of polyurethene foam?
I am sure it is used for the core of surfboards and windsurfers.
Easily dented and marked so care is needed (but so is balsa).
Cheers John