In fact I have had better results 'doing it the other way around'. If you don't have a pillar drill, but do more woodworking than anything, a Morticer with a drill chuck attachment is a better solution all round. The drill chuck and bush is quicker to fit during changeover than fitting a mortice attachment to a drill press. The hold downs, depth stops and back fence on a Morticer are useful for some drilling tasks and if equipped with a xy table very useful, indeed. A Morticer is generally much more sturdy than hobby type drill presses and often have a greater drilling depth and bigger motors, so bigger capacities. A simple plywood table is easy to make for other drilling tasks, and can be made large enough for woodworking type drilling tasks, in long lengths of timber.The only downside is lack of speed adjustment, but in the capacities of these smaller machines, it isn't a problem an the beefier motors make up for it somewhat with a bit more torque. I used a setup like this for many years before I got my Elliott Progress floor stander, which cost less than even the flimsiest hobby bench top drill.