Anyone using Pop Telecomm ? or Openreach ?

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Established Member
20 Feb 2004
Reaction score
In the eternally wet North
If so you would be well advised to change your passwords as it looks as if there is a possibility that at least one of their databases has been hacked.

A neighbour had been having ongoing ADSL line problems for a period of time and numerous Openreach engineers out and numerous communications with Pop Telecomm. He got a call yesterday from a fraudster who claimed to be from Openreach and could give chapter and verse about these problems. So my neighbour allowed the 'Openreach' fraudster remote access to his computer for three hours (Yes, I know, the neighbour is an idiot) and now his bank accounts have been cleaned out, other accounts locked etc etc.

Seems to me that there is a strong possibility that either Pop Telecomm or Openreach have been hacked otherwise the fraudster wouldn't have had the information needed to carry out his social-engineering. Having said that my neighbour is a bit of a numpty and he could have picked up some malware on his PC. But....might just be as well to change your passwords if you have any accounts with either Pop or Openreach.