Anyone near Ely Cambridgeshire who can give me a hand?

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Established Member
24 Jul 2011
Reaction score
Ely, Cambridgeshire
Hi guys,

After several months fighting laryngeal cancer, my oncologist has given me the bad news that it has spread to my lungs and given me less than a year to live. Rather than leave my wife with the task of disposing of my tools I plan on selling them in aid of Macmillan.

Unfortunately I am not in a condition mentally or physically to sort everything out and wondered if there was anyone in my vicinity who could help out.

Thanks to all the members on here who have provided interesting and useful help over the years.

Best regards,

I added a view to your thread but quite honestly, I wasn't not sure what to say. I dont have the knowledge to help you, but I am sure that someone will. Even as a stranger to you, I didn't want you to think that I viewed your thread and didn't react.

As weak as it is, all I can do is offer some positive thoughts in sympathy of your situation, from one woodworker to another.

Having had personal experience of Macmillan, a more worthy cause you could not find.

God bless.
I'm so very sorry to read you're bad news.
I do hope some one is able to help you sort and sell you're tools for Macmillan.
I'm too far away to be any use to you or you're tool sales, I'm afraid.
God bless you and bring you peace.
Regards Rodders
Hi Paul,
Your post is a difficult read, puts everything into prospective. I sincerely hope that you can enjoy the remaining months / years and that you can make the most of your time with loved ones and dear friends.

Regards Bob
that's some awful news, but kudos for your pragmatism!

I'm not too far away (near Stansted Airport), not sure how availability stands for November weekends but I 'believe' there are a few empty ones, would have to check with Outlook (the Mrs), I do know December is totally out though.
It sounds inadequate to say I'm sorry to hear your news Paul, and wish I was closer and able to help.

You have chosen a very worthwhile cause to help and I hope there are members closer who can give you a hand.

Best wishes, Paul
Hi Paul I am close to Cambridge and I am able and willing to help to help you, I am available most weekends or part of weekends and some evenings in the week.

Let me know when you need me and I will fit in with you
Best Regards
+++1 to all above comments is a given.

Unfortunately where you live is 'up north' to me! but I hope there are some forum members near to you that can help.

Do get back to us here on the forum, even if its just to start a sharpening thread!
jeezus ! what a tale of sorry to hear, applaud your idea of tools going to mac - I am ofton over your way to help an ex serviceman and an old ex of mine - in Wisbech - so adding another "friend"to the list would be no problem as long as you have coffee and digestives ;-)
