Alf's 10,000th Post Competition

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8 Mar 2004
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Twas mentioned a week or so ago about having something for Alf's 10,000th post, so I thought a competition was in order to mark this momentus occassion.

This is how it works:

E-mail to me the date and time you think Alf will reach the 10,000th post. Only E-mails will be accepted.

Only one guess per person.

Closing date will be 31st January 2007.
I will place all entries onto a spreadsheet and publish the spreadsheet plus the winner when the 10,000th post has been posted by Alf. I will be the only person who has access to the spreadsheet entries.

Alf will inform me when the 10,000th post has been sent with the time and date.

There will only be a prize for the winner, should there be a draw then I will have to come up with two prizes, I don't even want to think if there is more than two winners, I will cross that bridge when we get to it.

So whats the prize going to be, I thought something wood worky, so how about a Clifton 4 1/2 smoother. It is about 18 months old and hardly used, but sharp and ready to take whispy shavings.

Here's a little clue to help you on your way, to date Alf has been averaging just under 8 posts a day, so going on this rate the 10,000th post should be in around 95 days.

They will be no bribing Alf to either speed up or slow down on her postings.

Remember the woodkateers will be watching, and one of those is a Mod.

So, best of luck to the winner.

Mods, not sure how to keep this at the top of the Forum page, could you please help with this. Sorted-Philly

Waka":1por9m9b said:
They will be no bribing Alf to either speed up or slow down on her postings.
Unless they're really, really good bribes... 'Course if I really increase the posting rate I could be finished before the closing date. :lol:

Cheers, Alf
Alf, not even you could write that many posts.

Anyway there is nothing to stop people guessing a date that is prior to the closing date, is there?

Hmm, we could always post a few emotive hand tool posts to get Alfs interest then speed them up with direct questions or slow them down with irrelevancies 8-[ Heck, if we start another panto thread in off topic I vote for this time next week!

Alf":fyq8zm43 said:
Waka":fyq8zm43 said:
They will be no bribing Alf to either speed up or slow down on her postings.
Unless they're really, really good bribes... 'Course if I really increase the posting rate I could be finished before the closing date. :lol:
Cheers, Alf

There's no mention of bribing me though :wink:

If Alf looks like she'll be reaching her 10,000th post date before your guess, I could always put the forum offline for some 'site updates' :p I don't bribe cheaply though, it would have to be a something shiny or a nice generous 'donation'.

I’m only joking…… it doesn’t have to be expensive - any bribe will do :lol:
We need more information

Alf, will you be taking a holiday, how's your workload, do you suffer from SAD, how many shows will you be attending and finally how big a bribe, I have relatives in Sicily who are well accustomed to offering inducements.
Fair enough...

I have no holidays planned; I'm not posh enough to have SAD - I just occasionally turn into a miserable git; I beware Scillonians bearing gifts as a matter of course; if the weather varies between wet and dry in these parts my internet connection tends to go down unpredictably; over emphasis on precision woodworking tends to make me either a) rant at length on the subject of engineers, or b) stop posting altogther.

Hope that helps. :D

Cheers, Alf
Dom - My SWMBO's relatives extend all the way Eastwards to Moscow and they have 'inducements' I bet yours have never even heard off :lol:
Alf wrote:
to have SAD
SWIMBO does suffer from this and she, nor me, could remotely be described as posh. Its easily brought under control with regular doses of light from a specialist, quite powerful daylight may be suprised how many folk are affected with SAD....more than you may fancy - Rob
Sorry, Rob, just being facetious - my mum sits in front of one of those lamps during the winter too. Given that I can display the symptoms in the middle of July I think I'm just a miserable git. :D

Cheers, Alf
Alf wrote:
I'm just a miserable git.
No offence taken Alf, in any way whatsoever. Turning into a GOM (or Woman) is one of the delights (and ther'e ain't many) of getting older.

SWIMBO does seem to have been much, much better this winter which is great but when she does get an attack of the depression, its like a blank haze descends in front of her eyes and she's off with the faries somewhere...most odd. Before we got the lamp we were camping and being cheif cook and bottle washer on site, I asked her to peel some spuds....she kept on peeling and peeling and peeling. I dutifully inquired, as you would, if she was trying to feed the Grand Army and she said that she'd have what we didn't eat for tea, fried for brekky in the morning...never happened, most of the spuds got binned - Rob
Offence taken or not Rob, I too would like to apologise, it was insensitive, a spur of the moment thing, my excuse is it was an age thing, it seems that the older one gets, the more one speaks first then brain in gear, seems it should be the other way round.

Does anyone know what happens when you get to 10,000 posts

Does the counter reset to zero and you become a Forum Newbie again :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

As I understand it every other member has to send me a fiver. That's right isn't it? :D

Cheers, Alf

Who's gone through several 'puters, never mind keyboards...
And don't forget everyone that in a recent blog she was saying that she wasn't so keen on posting on UKW threads of late :wink:

Of course that may, or may not, be my attempt at 'nobling' the rest of you :lol: :lol: