I spotted a router plane in the window display of a local turner's last week and I took it for a Stanley 71 but having a closer look over the weekend I was very surprised to see Acorn in raised letters. Anyone else seen one or know anything about them? I couldn't find any info online.
Unfortunately this got added to a you-can't-have-that list from the last few days which also included an early Eclipse junior hacksaw, a woodie skew-rebate jack plane, a woodie jointer, a metal no. 5, a bow saw still with blade and tensioner, an early Stanley 45 and a Record 050
Unfortunately this got added to a you-can't-have-that list from the last few days which also included an early Eclipse junior hacksaw, a woodie skew-rebate jack plane, a woodie jointer, a metal no. 5, a bow saw still with blade and tensioner, an early Stanley 45 and a Record 050