A bit of an explanation!


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Established Member
15 Oct 2010
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Hi All,

You may have noticed that of late I have been very quiet on here well maybe time for a bit of an explanation.

After the sharpening event in May I returned home to receive some truly shocking news from my wife which has totally turned our lives upside down over the last few months.

Unfortunately my wife had made a huge error of judgement and overnight not only lost her job but found herself facing prosecution by the authorities - After a long period of waiting court dates were set and my wife pleaded guilty to her actions and she is back in court tomorrow for sentencing - we are just praying that the judge/magistrate is lenient!

Sarah and I have been together for over 20 years and I still cannot believe what has happened, the effect this whole situation has had on not only me, but my two children (11 & 14) as well as parents and friends cannot be expressed easily.

To be perfectly honest it has been hell but at least tomorrow we will know where we are going from here, whether as a family or not.

The morale if there is one is don't take things for granted in your life, you never know what is round the corner - I am still to this day completely astounded that I knew nothing of what had been going on behind my back.

Anyway - I am truly hoping this very dark period of my life is coming to an end and hoping to get back to some normality in the coming weeks including time to have some involvement on here again.

Genuinely sorry for your problems Roger.
Not only did I learn an amazing amount from you when I was down for the week last year, but just popping in for a chat as I have done this year has been really great.
I'll be down your neck of the woods on a pretty regular basis over the coming months as daughter is in the family way and now lives at Wattisham (actually on the airfield) so let me know when you're up for visitors and I'll bring the cakes again.
Take care.

Thanks for your replies folks and Glynne always up for a visit - especially if cake was mentioned!!
Here's hoping the Judge gets laid tonight then he'll/she'll be in a better mood tomorrow.

Best of luck to you and yours, I've been there and it's a ****.
MMUK":3ocoq0xg said:
Here's hoping the Judge gets laid tonight then he'll/she'll be in a better mood tomorrow.

:lol: :lol:

Good luck to your wife tomorrow Roger, I hope that everything goes well. It just goes to show that we never really know what is coming our way.


phil.p":coiem2ro said:
Look after your children: ultimately, they are all that matters.

My kids have been my first priority through all this - they have found it hard to come to terms with and hopefully tomorrow they will know what the future holds so will be able to handle it better.
Roger there is not much I can say that will help but I sincerely feel for you and your family problems, the very fact that you have had the strength to appraise us of your current challenge only confirms my appraisal of you as a person from the sterling voluntary work you do all year round and especially in the dire winter months.
Here's to your personal strength, I'm sure the rest of your family members will take great strength from your support.
Roger Hi, really sorry to hear of your current difficulties, we have some extended family experience of a similar sounding situation. Nothing is as black as you originally fear and the family unit is extremely strong given a little understanding and support from all. Although in our case there was a split in living arrangements for some time the immediate family group survived intact in the longer term. While we all seem to fear for the children involved they actually usually prove to be very resilient, understanding and supportive while, of course, still needing a good deal of subtle help and support of their own. I’m certainly not trying to make light of the situation Roger just saying you will be surprised and what you can adapt to as a family.

One other comment that stuck in my mind was “no matter how hurt, fearful, surprised, disappointed, and angry or whatever emotion you may feel, Sarah will feel all of those plus guilt which is always very, very difficult to deal with.

I hope very much that tomorrow is not as dark as you fear but even if it is don’t forget that the light is merely a little further down the tunnel.

Very best wishes

Keith (he of the SIP fine adjuster)
Thank you all for your comments - it is heart warming to read what has been said :) .
I am so sorry to hear of this Rog. i do hope everything goes well and you can get back to normality or something like in the near future. My thoughts are with you and the family mate. :cry:
Roger I'm totally lost for words...
.Wendy and I are thinking of you all and just hope it all works out in the end.

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