Do you ever have speed variations on the bandsaw? erratic operation?
NVR switches are normally pretty good, but there may be a loose connection further down the line that is producing arcing inside the switch. If its plugged into a normal 13 amp plug, is there any odd behaviour of any other appliances? Flickering lights?
I have seen a machine catch fire due to a loose neutral connection on the main distribution board, nothing wrong with the machine itself.
Youve made me think that a long time ago I might have promised to send you pics of my cure for dust falling out under the table of the axminster. If I have remembered correctly and you did ask but not receive, let me know. I blocked of the bottom 4" port altogether on my 350, and cut a hole in the angled 4" to catch all the dust. It works so well that the mark 1 prototype is still there 18 months later.