100mm Cyclone Instruction/Review video.


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Indeed, both the quality and content are very good. I'm sure it'll only help Cyclone Central to grow, James. :)
Like that a lot. Well presented. When I built my 100mm cyclone kit I had to do it alone and I used tape to hold the form of the cyclone while I was building it. Worked like a charm. Had to be strong gaffer tape though...

Thanks for that Sam, I think I overlooked how much people would want to get that section right, I've made so many now it only takes me about 5-10 mins to do one from start to finish including drying time. But when I made the very first one it took 3 of us to glue it, but you get better after you've done a few and can do it on your own. Your tip can be added as a top tip to the instructions for other people.
Well done Chems, very well done indeed. Can I surgest that you ask those that made the video if you could include a copy of it in each flat pack sold, or if they do not allow you you could always put the web address/link on the bottom of the instructions.

Unforunately I am the sort of person who needs to be present when the product is put together, either that or have a DVD/CD that I can play a few times before I get started, so the link is magic for me.

I am sure that I am not the only one who has this problem, and so it will be a huge benifit to your customers.

Before you started making these flat packs, we would have to shop in the US to get one, and the cost of buying one and having it shipped to the UK was huge. So I am sure that I speak for other members when I say thank you very much. =D> =D>


Thanks Mike, the video will be included on the main website under the instructions section. Did you get one in the last round or are planning too?
Chems":2d42neww said:
Thanks Mike, the video will be included on the main website under the instructions section. Did you get one in the last round or are planning too?

Planning to Chem, once I pay a large bill I owe I will be straight in with my order. I have always wanted one but as I said above before you came along with a very reasonable price, we had to shop in the US and pay hundreds of pounds.

As for having the vidio on your website, that is as good a place as any.


I'll watch out for your order! Thanks for the nice words I'm glad that people are appreciating the fact these are available here now.
Great video, I've no doubt it'll do your sales no end of good.

What I find most interesting though is the extractor used for the test. I've been toying with one of these for a while now, and putting it off because the 100mm one, according to the website, requires a 2hp HVLP extractor, which I don't have. I do however have the wall mounted version of that Numatic. With twin 1200w motors it's a pretty powerful and wonderfully quiet machine with excellent filtration, but although it's got the suck to cope with my 12" planer it requires a drop-box of some sort to cope with the shavings which otherwise block the (not very well designed) output to the collection bag.

Now that I've seen it in action and know it will work with my extractor I'll be placing my order in the new year.