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  1. M

    Oh the humidity!

    Nights are drawing in and I'm reminded of all my winter projects that are normally plagued by shrinkage and warping and falling apart (not to mention the rust grrr!). Suggestions for controlling humidity in my garagey den please...
  2. M

    Lapping beer doesn't work!!?!

    I tried it; starts off well enough, though messy - some does inevitably get splashed up the nostrils, which is strange, but at some point the beer tide mark recedes down the glass and it really becomes quite hard work and then impossible without causing physical injury or breakage to progress...
  3. M

    Don't be goin' doin' anything I wouldn't

    Happy New Year Peeps. I'm off to bed for an early night. :lol:
  4. M

    Woodworking on Project Gutenberg

    A selection of out of copyright texts that is perhaps of more interest to the hand tool crowd than you heathens with your noise and dust and noise and mechanisations and noise; but you never know, so I post it here... Handwork in Wood Woodwork Joints Mission Furniture How to Make It (Part...
  5. M

    Arevoir Auriou

    Oh no. :(
  6. M

    My boat got wet. Grrr.

    Can I pick your brains...? I've moved the hull out the shed (the one with the leaky roof) into the fresh air (the one with the leaky roof) ready for smelly epoxy spraying just as soon as it stops blinking raining. The ply skin has got some water staining from the rain leaking through the...
  7. M

    Woodworking Magazine download edition happiness \o/

    They don't seem to carry Woodworking Magazine in my village post office, so I've been meaning to pester the WM staff for a .pdf download. They must have read my mind.
  8. M

    Gngnggng!!! Flattening the backs of plane irons is boring.

    Ggngngngnnngggggngnnggnngngngngnngngngngngngn! I have nothing more to say on the subject.
  9. M

    Who owns the monkey?

    There are five houses; each is has a different colour and a different nationality owner each of whom prefer a different brand of smoke, a different drink and has a different pet - one of afore mentioned pets is a monkey. Your clues: 1. The Brit lives in the red house. 2. The Swede keeps dogs...
  10. M

    After-market circular saw blades - help!!!

    Got me a shiny new table saw from the emporium of quality that is B&Q; I'll post a mini review once I'm a bit more familiar with it. One thing that is immediately apparent is that the blade is a bit pants (that or there are some user competency issues that need addressing) and leaves scorch...
  11. M

    Sharpening system for wide plane irons...

    Can I pick your collective brains...? My #7 plane iron doesn't fit nicely on my 2" oil stone. It's the only thing that doesn't. I could use scary sharp, but it's a lot of faff and I've never been too impressed with the amount of sharp I get when I scary sharp. So I'm looking for alternatives...
  12. M


    Seeing as the internets are full of bloody awful forums it's a rare and pleasant thing to find a decent one. I've posted a couple of times and reckon this a nice place to be. I hope you don't mind. I've taken to the woody thing in the last year or or so. It's my dad's fault; he was building a...