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    "Even-out" joints/edges/lips on mdf box

    I've posted a pic of it here: fixing-an-oversized-hole-in-mdf-t69593.html
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    "Even-out" joints/edges/lips on mdf box

    We've just had an offer accepted on our first house and although it is good enough to move in, I intend to do as much as I can once we do from drawers/cupboards and working my way to a kitchen! (I told my mum and she laughed at me :o) There is a decent sized brick-build shed with power that I...
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    Fixing an oversized hole in mdf

    The box is finished now - I used a holesaw larger than the botched hole. I used some walnut veneer with finshing oil and clear wax to finish off the box. (Spot the many mistakes! #-o )
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    "Even-out" joints/edges/lips on mdf box

    Just to update - I used a combination of edge trimming (which was easier than I thought) and sanding. The end result was acceptable :)
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    Fixing an oversized hole in mdf

    Ended up going down the holesaw and bigger terminal router as I was a little unsure how long the router replacment would take. Thanks for the suggestions as I'm sure they will come in use in the future :)
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    New MOF001 power problem

    Thanks Chris - although the problem was more to do with power than speed. I've logged a return notification with the vendor.
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    New MOF001 power problem

    Looks like it - very annoying as I had one more cut to do! :(
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    New MOF001 power problem

    I used the router without any issues yesterday, however this morning has not been so good. The first problem was it seemed the like power for the router was shorting out - it was slowing down/stopping and starting again, and this was whilst not actually cutting. I also think I smelt some...
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    Fixing an oversized hole in mdf

    I was planning how to carry out Carl's suggestion and it occured to me that I would not be able to cut a larger hole on the box iteself with the jig, as I won't be able to "center" it. I think I'll give the pollyfilla a go and see what results I get. I might just get a set of hole saw as a...
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    Fixing an oversized hole in mdf

    Ahh - very cunning! I'll give it a try tomorrow.
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    Fixing an oversized hole in mdf

    So I routed out the larger sized holes needed for my subwoofer with a jig, without any issues. But I also needed to do a smaller sized hole to fit in the speaker cable connectors. I decided to do this by hand but what resulted was far from a circles and too big :oops: I've attached a couple of...
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    New Triton MOF001 router - plunge a little sticky

    I've been using it today to cut out some circles and also do some slight size adjustments on one of the mdf panels......and I have to say once I got past the initial "nerves" I found it a joy to use! Not of the the stickyness that I had when just playing about - so all good :) As an added bonus...
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    New Triton MOF001 router - plunge a little sticky

    I'll try my first cut tomorrow and will see how it goes. The rack/pinion wheel are alot smooter - so I could use a combination of taking it down with the plung and then using the wheel to get to the pre-set depth.
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    New Triton MOF001 router - plunge a little sticky

    So I got my new router today (thank you Ironmongery Online) and have been playing about with it and have noticed the plunge is not smooth at all when plunging at a reasonable pace. It actually gets stuck unless I plunge at a fast(ish) pace - which I don't think is normal. Having looked on this...
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    "Even-out" joints/edges/lips on mdf box

    I've viewed some video's on youtube and can't figure out where the bearing would sit to bring the lips level with the back piece. *edit* just saw the steve maxwell video and I think I now understand. Will order now
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    "Even-out" joints/edges/lips on mdf box

    I'll do it tonight, but I've uploaded one from a popular forum. Mine isn't as pronounced as the pic - but it looks like the trimming bit is the way to go :) I'd like to keep all the edges straight so the veneering is a little easier.
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    "Even-out" joints/edges/lips on mdf box

    Thank for the suggestions. The cutter (TS1418.5M) is without any bearings (judging by the pic, I'll check at home later). I can see how the trimming bit will help where two pieces meet and there is a straight for lip to trimm off - but I also some a little issue where the side panel joins up...
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    "Even-out" joints/edges/lips on mdf box

    As you've probably guessed by the subject heading - I'm a noob! :P I'm in the process of making a subwoofer out of 25mm mdf. Most of the carcass is ready, however the sides have not all joined up as evenly as I had hoped. This means I have some slight lips/overlaps. I will be veneering the box...