I'm a cyclist.


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How about a challenge to build a wooden bike, maybe allow the chain and sprockets but all else in wood, yes maybe rubber tyres as well.

Bamboo bikes - close enough.
,, i need to read up on the new rules,, yesterday a big old artic pulled up and blocked the main road to allow a dear old lady to cross over, the driver behind the artic tooted his hooter a few times so the artic driver walked back to him and gave the driver a "motivational chat" which made his nose bleed,, i didn,t see that mentioned in the rules,,
,, i need to read up on the new rules,, yesterday a big old artic pulled up and blocked the main road to allow a dear old lady to cross over, the driver behind the artic tooted his hooter a few times so the artic driver walked back to him and gave the driver a "motivational chat" which made his nose bleed,, i didn,t see that mentioned in the rules,,

The artic driver was probably feeling out of sorts, not having murdered a prostitute for 15 miles or so.
I wouldn't. I think he is hilarious at times. But then I'm at an age where I feel no compunction to "go with the flow" any more

Pedestrians always had right of way.

True especially if thy are halfway crossing the road. But where at least one of these new rules is just plain daft is expecting motorists to stop turning into a sidestreet if there is a pedestrian waiting on the corner to cross. Ever been in a city centre? There are always pedestrians waiting to cross.

Cycling two abreast ? Cracking idea...especially down rural country lanes where, according to a recent news item, drivers had to wait for 8 miles before they could safely overtake. Road courtesy works both ways.
Or to put it simply - powered vehicles are the problem, pedestrians and cyclists are not.
Unless you're a pedestrian being mowed down and/or killed by a cyclist. Cyclists are not all angels.
I'll agree on the huge amount of pollution created by the production of motor vehicles and that is why they should be much more expensive to buy.

The "road tax" doesn't cover emissions because it doesn't exist. No duty that motorists pay covers the cost of pollution emitted or the damage done to local and national infrastructure caused by motorists.

But carry on.

So what would you propose ? A massive hike in the cost of running a private vehicle ? Great if you live in a city or if you can walk to work. But for the rural population ?