Floor finish advice


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24 Feb 2013
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Hi all,

I am hoping that I can glean from the wealth of knowledge here?

I am a facilities manager at a medium size hotel and we intend to close the site for 9 days during the extremely quiet period in the first couple of weeks of next year.

My intentions during this short time is to spruce up our restaurant floor, which is primarily timber, with the high traffic areas being a mock limestone tile.
We intend to hire a floor scrubber to remove the majority of the dirt, which we have done in the past with success, but on this occasion I would like to finish the surface, to enable the cleaners to mop/clean it in the future.

Time is pretty limited, so a fast setting/curing finish is necessary, & am asking if anyone could recommend a suitable product that doesnt break the bank.

My plan is to allocate a couple of days for cleaning and 5 days to apply the finish & allow for the curing time.

Many thanks in advance

Imo you will need to know the exact type of flooring tiles you currently have -eg natural stone, porcelain, slate marble etc . Then you need to choose a product to suit your floor . I’d recommend using a quick dry product if possible but this may may be dictated by your flooring type - WARNING ⚠️ make sure it’s non slip as you could end up in trouble with people claiming damages should they slip ( or claim they have slipped) make sure the sealer once applied can be mopped/ polished without affecting any non properties of your chosen sealer . How old is the existing flooring? who laid it ? Contacting the installer could help if they are still around. Failing this talking to a specialist contractor in flooring for commercial environments will probably help . Hopefully there are a few on this site than can give you more specific information. If you intend to complete the work ( in house ) then follow all instructions to the letter .
If the building has been built (or there has been a major refurb) since about 2000 there may be a thing called the health and safety file that is supposed to be produced under the CDM regulations.
It may list the materials used in the floor so you may be able to get details from manufactures websites.
Many thanks for your input and apologies thet I wasn't clear in the initial post.

We don't intend to touch the tiled areas, but will be cleaning the wooden flooring and intend to seal the wooden floor with a quick drying finish and was enquiring if anyone could recommend a product that can be applied to the wooden flloor and is quick drying and appropriate for the location. In essence, I am asking for recommendations for a quick drying finish for wooden floors.

Thanks 'johna.clements', but unfortunately the previous owners/management had absolutely no idea regarding the H&S file, of which I am now managing. Historically there were absolutely no H&S compliance checks at all, and there are no known records of any installations. Currently, my mission is to create/initiate compliance records & checks.

TBH, I have no idea how the hotel stayed open during the last managemant regime.

Many thanks in advance for your help.

Many thanks for your input and apologies thet I wasn't clear in the initial post.

We don't intend to touch the tiled areas, but will be cleaning the wooden flooring and intend to seal the wooden floor with a quick drying finish and was enquiring if anyone could recommend a product that can be applied to the wooden flloor and is quick drying and appropriate for the location. In essence, I am asking for recommendations for a quick drying finish for wooden floors.

Thanks 'johna.clements', but unfortunately the previous owners/management had absolutely no idea regarding the H&S file, of which I am now managing. Historically there were absolutely no H&S compliance checks at all, and there are no known records of any installations. Currently, my mission is to create/initiate compliance records & checks.

TBH, I have no idea how the hotel stayed open during the last managemant regime.

Many thanks in advance for your help.

How about old receipts etc. If they had no management procedures they have had no disposal of records procedures so there may be unlabled boxes in the loft with mixed contents in. A nightmare to sort through unless you have a certain temperament,.
Rustin's Plastic Coating for floors is good stuff, but you'd need to test a small area to ensure something already in the wood doesn't react with it, you don't want a whole floor refusing to dry. It stinks in use and for a few days afterwards, but the smell is mostly gone by then. Otherwise I'd be looking at one of the expensive water based floor coatings - they don't tend to stink like solvent based ones.
There are loads of suitable products for wooden floors, Bona traffic and some of its variants are designed to be applied, left overnight and take full traffic the following morning- think commercial premise lobbies etc. Plenty of other manufacturers too
Many thanks all,

I haven't heard of Bona traffic before, but it seems to be a good solution.
The quick drying Rustins and Ronseal products also seem to be popolar and effective.

Again, thanks for your help and will post my findings when we have completed the works.
