YIPEEEEE !! The first one


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10 Nov 2006
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Boston Lincs

well folks , her it is , the very 1st turning , after nearly a month

Hope you like it , I do , but I have learnt a lot , by doing this ,

I will go into detail after the photos .

1st one


2nd one


The first thing I did wrong was to not finish the bottom before turning the bowl over :oops:

then I found out that you must get the best poss finish with your tools before you start sanding :oops:

or you will be there all day :oops:

I ended up going back to the tools then sanded again , much better but !!

Will do better :p

the pound is just for scale so you can judge the size
Well done, two important points learned on first project as well.

Won't remind you that you have read both points elsewhere before, :wink: it never really sinks in until the forgotten bit causes you agro. DAMHIKT.

Don't forget to look out for some shelf/display case timber next time you are in the woodyard. :lol:

I have spent the last three months trying to turn a simple spindle!

Nice work. :wink:
Great feeling innit!! Even when you go wrong it sseems OK 'cos at last you're turning!

Nice bowl as well. Looks a bit like a collection plate with the £1 in it tho' :lol:
Glad you are starting down "the slope" at last :lol:

Looks very nice,with very clean,crisp-looking curves - what timber is it ? (looks mahogany-ish)

Good start Blister!

Just a word of caution, there may be abrasive residues on the surface of the wood after sanding... these can dull the edge on your tools.

The more you do, the more you learn to assess the quality of the surface you leave with the tools... it's an ancient process called 'getting your eye in' :lol:
first thing i thought, hes not much of a busker! its a great first turning blister, glad alls going well,youve put the pain in now your getting some gain, all the best fella
Very nice, Well done Blister
The first thing I did wrong was to not finish the bottom before turning the bowl over
Im always forgetting to finish the bottom first thats why I have just ordered a set of button jaws!
I had just those feelings, Blister. Weel done, it's a great first piece.

For me, turning was therapy after a hectic day at work. I'd go out to the workshop at about 8pm, and wonder where the time had gone when I "Came To" at well after midnight.
Reminds me that I must get back to turning - haven't done any since making Christmas presents about 3 years ago.

Where does the time go?

good old blister at last, and it looks nice well done mate, unfortunatly i cannot donate as i have yet to get a gouge, \:D/
Hi Blister, when you say that it is the first turning, do you mean on a new lathe or is it your first ever turning ?
If it is your first ever turning it looks fantastic, well done