Wood Turning Tools


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11 Jan 2017
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Hello,I am looking for advice on making my own turning tools,what metal will I get to start,my main pieces will be djembe,bowls,lamps,for now,having a terrible time finding logs to make the djembe,so far it looks like I will be glueing 4" by 8-12" blanks to make up 22" djembe,any other ideas on how to make them without tree trunks,I would be most greatful to hear,thanks.
You could always make a staved djembe and turn the outside on the lathe. Not traditional, I know... but neither is a glued-together-blocks one either. :-D
Hello and thanks for the idea,yeh I will be making conga's also at some stage,whatever timber I get first I suppose,conga's are staved,no doubt I will be trying a staved djembe so thanks for the input.
There are loads of articles on line from a simple google search. One article I like is below:


This article covers the pretty much only 'no-no' you will see recommended on line which is around the use of old files. Read the explanation in the above which puts it better than I could.

Other than that, options include buying HSS bar and grinding it on one end and fitting a handle to the other, use of small HSS / cobalt steel / drill bits to mount on a mild steel bar to make Oland tools (hollowing tools) or all sorts of options to mount carbide tips. Beyond these (that can mostly be done with home diy tools), you're into more involved metalwork that is possible provided you have the right kit.

I suggest a google search, read around the topic and then there are loads of folks on here that can help with any more focused questions.


There have been several posts on this, using high speed steel billets, hss bought-in replaceable tips, and replaceable carbide tips. These are usually affixed to mld steel shafts for economy. A 200mm lengh of 20mm x 8mm hss can be bought off ebay for just under £8, free postage. This could possibly make two scrapers when fixed to mild steel shanks, and home turned wooden handles ( of course). You would need to cut the hss using an angle grinder with abrasive disk, and then grind to the required shape. Fixing the hss to the ms might need some thought - you may be able to drill the hss using cobalt drills. Otherwise possibly grind a slot in the hss and drill a hole in the ms, fixing them together with bolts.

Woodpig,can not wait to make my first djembe so a long gouging tool will be needed,parting tool,rough gouge,still only learning the names of the tools,I have about 20 standard chisels and about 20 carving chisels,most are unused,I was thinking of shaping some of the old ones to make maybe a parting tool and not sure what else yet,I would not be able to shape a bowl gouge or rough gouge if same thing,but I realy want/need one.
SVB thanks for the link I will take a goid look at it when internet is back on monday,cheers.

Cheers Graduate owner,when I collect my shaft monday I will ask the engineer if he has any scrap,or buy some,and also see if he would like to make some big ones for me,if the price is rite,and I will turn some big handles myself,

Thanks a bunch guys,any help is good help,and should have pics of the lathe on mon/tues its going ok,got the base/gear housing/tail stock made and partly assembled,cant assemble the housing without the shaft,making the tool rest in the morning,wake the neighbours around 10,I think 10 is fair anyway haha, cheers for now.
CRAFTY":2z74xlcd said:
......,I have about 20 standard chisels and about 20 carving chisels,most are unused,I was thinking of shaping some of the old ones to make maybe a parting tool and not sure what else yet,....

Do not convert standard wood working chisels into turning tools, the tangs are too fragile and are likely to snap if you get a catch on the lathe.

Result is likely to be one or other section of the tool embedded in your wrist, abdomen or face.

Even tools specifically made for turning can fail dramatically if used incorrectly.
CHJ":3ge1xzh5 said:
CRAFTY":3ge1xzh5 said:
......,I have about 20 standard chisels and about 20 carving chisels,most are unused,I was thinking of shaping some of the old ones to make maybe a parting tool and not sure what else yet,....

Do not convert standard wood working chisels into turning tools, the tangs are too fragile and are likely to snap if you get a catch on the lathe.

Result is likely to be one or other section of the tool embedded in your wrist, abdomen or face.

Even tools specifically made for turning can fail dramatically if used incorrectly.
Ok got it,you opened up my eyes with that one cheers,I,ll start saving for the real deal,may be a while before I get to use it but at least I'll still be alive and well,keep them comming,cheers.
phil.p":3uu7r3ke said:
If you are to spend that sort of money, stick to Record, Henry Taylor, Sorby, Ashley Iles or Axi.
ok grand i will check them out thanks
is there any point in having a bit more weight on the handle end of a tool,because the lathe turns down on the tool? just thinking for when i'm making my own handles.
Handles for bowl gouges are usually longer, as the strain on them is higher - a lot of the pounding they get is intermittent when roughing down, therefore often with a large overhang. Most other tools are used when the item is already round so the tool rest is set close and there's nowhere near the leverage. Do yourself a favour and buy this before you spend more -
http://www.waterstonesmarketplace.com/W ... matches=33
phil.p":udnveqhu said:
Handles for bowl gouges are usually longer, as the strain on them is higher - a lot of the pounding they get is intermittent when roughing down, therefore often with a large overhang. Most other tools are used when the item is already round so the tool rest is set close and there's nowhere near the leverage. Do yourself a favour and buy this before you spend more -
http://www.waterstonesmarketplace.com/W ... matches=33
yeh cheers i will check if they have it in the book shop first, that makes sence,so i will just make standard fancy handles so,cheers,another question down :mrgreen: