Westonbirt Treefest - August BH Weekend


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24 Jul 2007
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I've just been looking at the Forestry Commission website for Treefest.

This is the new-look Festival of the Tree that many of us here will have visited. This year it is turning into something more of a family-oriented festival, with camping, music in the evenings and content for all age groups.

So will I go?

- Lots of stalls selling little bits of wooden tat that I could make myself if I wanted them but I don't.
- £12 per day to get in (£10 if booked ahead)
- "Dancing poetry" workshops (really!)
- Apparently no expert demonstrations at the Classic Hand Tools tent (as far as I can see from their newsletter and website)

- Tony Murland tool stall
- At least one other tool stall
- TATHS stall
- Timber sales from Friends of Westonbirt (which can include some unusual stuff at good prices)
- CHT tent with lots of planes, knives, axes etc
- possibly some interesting demos of green woodworking, blacksmithing etc
- It's a really nice place.

So what does anyone else think? The website has some detailed lists of exhibitors etc to help you make your mind up.
I think it's a pity that there won't be any demonstrations organised by Classic Hand Tools this year. I have attended them in the past and they have been excellent.

However, it's usually a good day out with plenty of interesting stuff to see and an opportunity to meet up with many old friends, so I'll probably be going.

Cheers :wink:

For me I am planning to go to Yandles instead and entry is free.
I was very disappointed with Westonbirt apart from CHT's demos, I would rather look round the Forest itself and go when it's not a Bank Holiday?

Harbo":19pz19wz said:
For me I am planning to go to Yandles instead and entry is free.
I was very disappointed with Westonbirt apart from CHT's demos, I would rather look round the Forest itself and go when it's not a Bank Holiday?

I'm with Rod here. There's a bunch of stuff there that's of no interest to me, I went a coupla years ago and apart from the CHT tent, t'were a bit disappointing. Always good though, to meet up with old friends. For me, Yandles is a much better day out...provided the wood shed hasn't been cleaned out of all the nice stuff :cry: - Rob
I went yesterday by chance (didn't know the Treefest was on). It was very nice. Picked up a second hand good condition Sorbey mortising chisel for just £8. There were two second hand tool dealers there (one cheaper than the other), plus a "stick it on your lounge room wall" tool seller. Had a chat with Michael Huntley and discovered he lives just down the road from me. Lusted after some Clifton planes. Lots (too much actually) of wood turning. Some timber sellers (one reasonably priced and the other outrageous). The Westonbirt timber were massive slabs (not for the faint hearted). Oodles of wooden nick-knacks. Great puppet show (Hand to Mouth Theatre) and some re-enactment archers. All up it was a great family day out and I would recommend it for that. But it's never going to be in the same league as a dedicated woodworking show.
I went along yesterday, as well. Had a good time and the weather wasn't bad. If you go, do watch Steve Woodley's demonstration of converting tree trunks using just an axe. Very impressive and interesting as he explains the history and how the sleepers for the American railways were prepared using just an axe - well worth listening to and watching.

Alex from Classic Hand Tools made me a nice cup of tea - although it did turn out to be quite an expensive cup of tea in the end :shock: :lol:

Didn't see any other forum members there :( Pity that these events aren't better supported.........

Cheers :wink:

Paul Chapman":2y3q1yne said:
Alex from Classic Hand Tools made me a nice cup of tea - although it did turn out to be quite an expensive cup of tea in the end :shock: :lol:

Cheers :wink:

OK Paul...I'll bite! What it is and is it smuggleable in past 'you know who' :lol: :lol: - Rob
LN #212 scraper plane. Just been trying it out - very nice 8) Oh, and the new Veritas dual marking gauge - also very cool 8)

Cheers :wink:

I enjoyed it. I will book early and camp next year, make a weekend of it. No chainsaws, some nice tools, great timber, but as I have tons of planks and blanks and have got some in my sisters bedroom and next doors kitchen, I refrained from buying any ( I picked up some Yew from my sister-in law down near Chippenham). I bought 2 lots of super superglue at £20 for daughter and myself, wife bought some beads and jewelry and hand cream and waterless wash. I had a go of loads of tools. Had a good talk to the Laser Cutting guy, the nice people on the Classic tools stand and had a good go with the Clifton planes, nice and sharp and heavy. Enjoyed the axe demo, really wanted a go with the offset handle side axe. Spoke to loads of people. I enjoyed it and retired to my campervan when it rained, had a hot lunch and drinks. No drinking and driving. Enjoyed talking to Richard Head, Bowyer and arrow maker. Great.
I was doing a pm demo in the GAW tent on Sunday so I had a look round before I started. I would agree about the prices especially on the second hand tools; an old froe for £40.00!!! Also some of the timber (I kept my hand in my pocket). I did however venture into the arcane world of turning bone by buying a small antler section fro £4.00 which seemed good value.

My main comment is however that for a member of the public with a partner will have spent £20 - £24 before even thinking of making a purchase! The cost of stalls has gone up by a large amount, so stall holders are likely to vote with their feet. For example, did anyone look in the Food Tent? In most shows, this would have been full of stalls and people. There were 5 food stalls and a stall selling Turkish Throws (very nice, but you can’t eat them!). Only 2 of the stalls were local organisations with local produce. Please, Food = Produce and make it local!

Lower the entry and cost of stalls and there will be more happy stall holders - simples!

Disappointed Phil
Paul Chapman":8gzgai2f said:
I think it's a pity that there won't be any demonstrations organised by Classic Hand Tools this year. I have attended them in the past and they have been excellent.

However, it's usually a good day out with plenty of interesting stuff to see and an opportunity to meet up with many old friends, so I'll probably be going.

Cheers :wink:


Didn't make it to the show over the weekend spent most of it at CCD Cheltenham and Mike Hancock came to the school on Saturday, We are planning a Classic day at my place for Nov 26th, still in the early stages of planning but should be good and a free day out.

Cheers Peter
treeturner123":2o2kcstv said:
...for a member of the public with a partner will have spent £20 - £24 before even thinking of making a purchase!
...too spendy for me. Yandles is as good (of more relevance anyway) and costs nowt at the door :wink: - Rob
There was a World Chainsaw Championships up here at Tabley this weekend. Yes, not enough local food. bread and cheese and meat products would have been nice. I can get a new froe for just less than £40, but I still enjoyed it. So next year, cheaper prices , lower entrance price, more food product, more demos, better weather, etc.

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