So last night I chucked a couple bits in my vacuum bag. I pinned the bits in place to stop things sliding/moving.
The pressure gauge at the bag read 0.65 and seemed to pull everything together. I then tried finding what minimum reading I needed for the vacuum bag to work, I couldn't find it.
What would 0.65 be in comparison to weight ? I've got loads of 56 pound weights I could have used to squish it up but the vacuum bag is soooooo much lighter it was also a fairly large area - 1.0m x1.8m ish.
I'm just curious as to how much weight I effectively had by throwing it in the vac bag.
The pressure gauge at the bag read 0.65 and seemed to pull everything together. I then tried finding what minimum reading I needed for the vacuum bag to work, I couldn't find it.
What would 0.65 be in comparison to weight ? I've got loads of 56 pound weights I could have used to squish it up but the vacuum bag is soooooo much lighter it was also a fairly large area - 1.0m x1.8m ish.
I'm just curious as to how much weight I effectively had by throwing it in the vac bag.