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Established Member
11 Nov 2007
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You know, we're a funny lot, the Human Race. Funny peculiar that is.
Alex has posted about his poor little mutt with parvo virus and those of us with dogs are deeply sympathetic.
Now it it is not my intention to offend the sensibilities of anyone, we're all entitled to our own opinions, but today I called into our local Farm Supply shop for some bird food, and right in front of me, at £149'99 plus VAT was a 'Fox Trap'.
Now I find the idea of a wild animal trapped in a small cage for hours on end before having its brains blown out repugnant! Further I cannot accept that that is a kinder end than hunting or shooting!
No offense intended, just a personal opinion and something that I won't be purchasing!

Absolutely shocking £149-99 plus vat. :shock:

You can buy them much cheaper than that. :lol:
Strange world isn't it that will inflict all kinds of horrendous suffering on fellow animals yet will find the sight of a naked human body abhorrent.
That hiker guy who used to walk about in just his boots and rucksack has been locked up in scotland for years for doing so ,yet we regularly see the most lenient of sentences handed out for animal cruelty.
I am not a naturist but find no offence in the human form either
Innocent question.......Is this legal?


............Of course, if it is, things will be different when I rule the world :D
Yes Mike, it is! In fact it seems to be one of DEFRA's preferred methods for vermin. :oops:

For someone who has historically supported the culling of badgers and grey squirrels, I find your OP bewildering....

I have a very good memory,
Why would you want to trap a fox? You can't train em! :? No seriously though I have to say if it wasn't for us invading their territory they wouldn't be such a problem...would they? More and more foxes are turning up in towns scavenging for food due to this. That trap is a ripoff at that price though. :lol:
When my boys were little they wanted a rabbit, I bought one, and as kids do, they lost interest and my wife took on the responsibility. She was gutted one day to find a fox had broken into the hutch and eaten its head.

If I was driving down the road and saw a fox I'd do my best not to miss it, and I don't think my wife, who loves most animals, would object.
With no offense intended to Chris Tenko, who is quite correct in his statement, he seems to have missed my original point. I am not averse to the control of Foxes, as like you, I have seen the devastation they can cause.
I am not averse to the control of their numbers of Badger, Grey Squirrels, Mitten Crabs, Fallow Deer, Mink nor Rats and Mice, for the self same reasons. But what I am averse to is causing unnecessary suffering during that control!
I live in the country side, and on occasion I have to take up arms against Rats and when I do I use traps, never poison. Poison is a lingering death, traps are quick.

Roy, no offence taken feller. If I had occasion to dispatch any of the aforementioned creatures (some of which I believe are classed as vermin) my choice would be the rifle for a quick finish. But I suspect my 4x4 would give a fox just as quick an end. My own preference, I wouldn't use a trap or poison.
I was diagnosed with cancer nearly three years ago Tenko, my prognosis is very good, I did not know that at diagnosis, and like many in that position I was determined on one thing.
I was not going out in agony, neither was I prepared to put my family though it either. People speak of the right to live, I also demand the right to die at my own choosing, I want my end to be quick and painless, I extend that same right all species.


I haven't suggested or implied that I would despatch any of them any differently. A rifle used correctly whould be immediate as would a 4x4. I couldn't imagine using a trap and then deciding whether I should beat it to death with a stick after it was caught ? Or what else to do with it. I'm not disagreeing with you. There are times when vermin should be disposed of, but I would only advocate the most humane way. I do not agree with packs of dogs chasing foxes across fields, but I don't disagree with a bullet in its head.
I wasn't suggesting that you were Tenko, and I apologise for giving that impression, I was simply putting a view point, if anything more an explanation of my view to Chris than yourself.
Your viewpoint on the trap was the point I made in the store, 'ok' I've trapped my Fox, now what am I supposed to do with it?' the chap behind the counter simply shrugged his shoulders.

Why the continual reference to "vermin"? Foxes are an important part of our remnant eco-systems, and I think the use of the word vermin says more about the user than it does about the fox.


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