Tongue and grooving plane set. Want to build one.

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Established Member
26 Apr 2014
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So as the heading says I wanna make my own tongue and groove plane set and add some more hand tools to my arsenal. I'm not sure what factors I should consider in building these however.

It strikes me that they most often seem to be a pair that are designed for a particular width of board, which can be troublesome for me that uses a lot of leftovers and whatever I can get my hands on. It seems I would end up with a myriad of planes doing the same thing. So an adjustable grooving (or is it a plough/plow?) plane seems the only sensible thing.

But I have never seen an adjustable tongue plane and I don't know quite how it could be made to compensate for board widths if you want a centered tongue and groove.

Any comments and suggestions welcome.
I do all my T&Ging with a Record 050. I'm pretty sure that the tongue blade is wide enough to accommodate the thickest of boards (over an inch, I think?) and you just set the fence to suit. And as you say, an adjustable grooving plane is just a common plough. Surely though the main advantage of a dedicated T&G plane is the that you don't have to set the fences?
edit: nevermind, just realised my abject stupidity. More thought required......
I'm sure dedicated planes have their advantages, I mean they obviously do. But seeing I can work with boards that are 16-25mm or even below and above depending on what I find in the junk pile, I am wondering if it's a viable path. I'm not sure how big a deal it would really be, I am just theorizing and the reality of the situation might be different than what goes on in my imagination.

I know I primarly want to start making some homemade wooden planes :) But something else than a smoother or jack plane. Might also try a rabbet/rebate plane.
I don't know your skil set, but plow planes are in the more advanced category. A rabbet plane is a good start when you want to male some side escapement planes. You sure don't need to start with bench planes.

A tongue and groove doesn't need to be centered on the board, so one size can do more then one thickness of boards. But they did come in various sizes.

If you want to make planes like this I can heartily recommend the video from Larry Williams. It's also helpfull when you have an old pair nearby to copy from.
Thanks for the tips, I'll look into that. do you know what sizes are most common or useful if so? I am thinking perhaps something set for 3/4" as the most common, then another for 1" and above and perhaps a 3rd set for 1/2"? Doubt I go that small that often.

I don't know my skill level either, I guess I'll have to give it a try to know! A simple rabbet plane might be first to see where I am... I am pretty used to power tools at any rate.
I think I have some old wooden planes at the local 2nd hand stores, maybe I'll go check them out.