the possibility of remote work in the woodworking and furniture sphere

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Roman Hiriak

New member
23 Oct 2023
Reaction score
Hello everyone. My name is Roman. I am from Ukraine and currently live in Great Britain all my life. I was interested in the topic of woodworking, making furniture, especially cabinet furniture from chipboard, there are also kitchen plates, wardrobes with my shoulders, about 15 years of practical experience. I made very small order for very simple cabinet furniture, performing the full cycle from taking measurements to live warranty service, that is, I have something to say about furniture for the heads of production, sales, and so on. My main question is what you are interested in now and not completely. I found answers on the Internet. I am looking for remote work opportunities in the woodworking and furniture field such as furniture designer furniture sales website administrator i.e. online furniture store possible furniture designer furniture technologist in production priority 1 is remote work Can you share your experience what positions and roles exist in the woodworking industry with the possibility of working remotely I think you understand the context of my question, transport, logistics, sales, design, maybe someone has experience who faced such a problem or such a vision. I would like to live in my country and help rebuild it, but at the moment we are with work. remotely in the field of it or others I tried myself in the field of it This is not mine, my soul lies in woodworking. research organization that could help find a job Thanks sorry for such a long thread I can send mine for those who are interested in sending their resume
у зв'язку з тим, що ніхто не прокоментував мій пост, спробую поставити свої запитання більш коротко. Шукаю можливість віддаленої роботи на великому деревообробному або корпусному заводі з виробництва корпусних меблів. які ролі пов’язані з можливістю віддаленої роботи у виробництві меблів в Америці, Канаді? може хтось має якісь думки чи може хтось має досвід?
Hi Roman, I’m sorry nobody has responded to your post.

I am not sure if speak English or you have used Google translate.

unfortunately I’m not sure what you are wanting to do nor what advice you are seeking - please could you write another reply saying very simply what you want.

I would just like to add: I am so sorry that Ukraine is suffering from such an awful war, my thoughts are with all Ukraine people.
у зв'язку з тим, що ніхто не прокоментував мій пост, спробую поставити свої запитання більш коротко. Шукаю можливість віддаленої роботи на великому деревообробному або корпусному заводі з виробництва корпусних меблів. які ролі пов’язані з можливістю віддаленої роботи у виробництві меблів в Америці, Канаді? може хтось має якісь думки чи може хтось має досвід?
"Due to the fact that no one commented on my post, I will try to ask my questions more briefly. I am looking for the possibility of remote work in a large woodworking or cabinet factory for the production of cabinet furniture. What roles are related to the possibility of remote work in the production of furniture in America, Canada? Maybe someone has some thoughts or maybe someone has experience?"

I'm guessing the OP is looking for furniture related remote work like creating designs, sales positions etc.
I don't think there is much out there to be honest, but others may know of some opportunities.

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