the caterpillar, clock and flower puzzle

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Established Member
17 Sep 2011
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Wst Sussex
There is more to it than an initial glance would suggest.......
(study each item carefully)


A: (Caterpillar +Flower) x 3 = 21.....therefore (cat + fl) = 7

B: (6 O'clock) + (6 O'clock) + (cat + fl) = 19
(6 O'clock) + (6 O'clock) + 7 = 19
6 O'Clock = 6

C: Flower + (6 O'clock) + (cat + flower) = 15
flower + (6) + (7) = 15
therefore flower = 15-13=2

From A
If cat + flower = 7, and flower = 2 (from C), then caterpillar = 5

So D....

Cat + 2 flowers x 5 Oclock = ??
5 + 2(2) x 5 (assuming hours = value) = ??
Remembering order of arithmetical functions...

5 + (4 x 5) = 25
none of the shown elements in the last problem are known and can not be worked out using the previous examples
If this were a computer programming language, you would be forced to define the order of operations.

We use two software packages at work and they each would calculate the result differently (parens work to set priority in both and are mandatory as mistakes are not tolerable).
As the arithmetic answer is already shown, I will go with the answer being "gin and tonic"

(It's always 5 o'clock somewhere)
MikeG.":151vo9jm said:

A: (Caterpillar +Flower) x 3 = 21.....therefore (cat + fl) = 7

B: (6 O'clock) + (6 O'clock) + (cat + fl) = 19
(6 O'clock) + (6 O'clock) + 7 = 19
6 O'Clock = 6

C: Flower + (6 O'clock) + (cat + flower) = 15
flower + (6) + (7) = 15
therefore flower = 15-13=2

From A
If cat + flower = 7, and flower = 2 (from C), then caterpillar = 5

So D....

Cat + 2 flowers x 5 Oclock = ??
5 + 2(2) x 5 (assuming hours = value) = ??
Remembering order of arithmetical functions...

5 + (4 x 5) = 25

But the caterpillar in the bottom example is a completely different type of caterpillar - not only is it minus a flower it has an extra body segment and a higher number of legs so can not be taken to be cat with flower sans flower as not the same.
asuming that clack time equals value introduces an uncertaincy to the equation and is a no no

Therefore insufficient information to solve last puzzle - oh and a flower with one behind it does in no way mean that it is equal to 2 x value of flower
Droogs":2pztunnj said:
......... the caterpillar in the bottom example is a completely different type of has an extra body segment and a higher number of leg

I missed that in my rush to do the arithmetic.

that clack time equals value introduces an uncertaincy to the equation and is a no no

My assumption was that there was a solution, so I looked for the pattern. We are, after all, pattern-seekers.

Therefore insufficient information to solve last puzzle - oh and a flower with one behind it does in no way mean that it is equal to 2 x value of flower

I agree. My maths was right, but my underlying assumptions were wrong. There are too many unknowns and assumptions to be be certain of the answer. These internet maths/ logic arguments always boil down to ambiguity. It's their raison d'etre.
Only noticed as i play a lot of mahjong and used to be an air cadet aircraft recognition competition competitor where the difference in aircraft type might just be the shape or placement of refueling probe or even an access panel.
Seeing the caterpillar trick, I call this age discrimination.

The older we are, the more we're likely to make assumptions working through something.
Droogs":1xhrtog2 said:
Only noticed as i play a lot of mahjong and used to be an air cadet aircraft recognition competition competitor where the difference in aircraft type might just be the shape or placement of refueling probe or even an access panel.

Ah...commeth the hour...commeth the man.

Is this a Sukhoi or a MIG ? :D I can't make up my mind

sukhoi or mig.png


  • sukhoi or mig.png
    sukhoi or mig.png
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caterpillar = no of segments
flower = 2
caterpillar + flower = no of segments + 2
clock = time showing
answer = 50 ?