Southwest Forest Wood Fair

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Established Member
22 Oct 2003
Reaction score
Up the proverbial creek

Bit late with the reminder for this, but details here. Absolutely no routers, table saws etc, but chainsaws are likely. Classic Handtools will be there, as will other lovely toolish goodness I don't doubt. For a flavour there's my report from last year here; dunno if DC is judging again this year?

There's an outside chance I'll get there tomorrow, if I eat all my greens...

Cheers, Alf
Thanks Alf!! I've never made it to this and it's only down the road.
Will definately try and make it tomorrow or Sunday - so may bump into you! I'll post when I'm going when I persuade my wife that this is just the place to take a newborn and toddler!
Se eyou there SAt or Sun , not sure which yet probably Sun.
Ack. I didn't eat enough greens it seems - have a nice time, chaps. :( If anyone wants to prod Mike Hancock on the subject of double extra slim saw files I'd be obliged. :D

Cheers, Alf
Not judging but went today.

Very interesting and much recommended.

Sugest anyone who can, hauls their a-s there tomorrow!

David Charlesworth
Silly question I know but I cant actually find the place on the map - any clues ??
It is at Roadford Reservoir.

Well signposted when you get near.

Coming south from Halwill Junction to Okehampton on A3079, I turned right shortly after Halwill Junction, and sign said 9 miles.

It is about 12 miles due west of okehampton.

Did no one else go?

If they did, what did they enjoy?

I met Roy Tam, was intrigued by the sixixis rolling summerhouse, all manner of green and rustic woodworking and particularly a wood cooperative working in the forest of dean, supplying timber.

The entries in the furniture section amounted {I think) to 5 chairs, and there was very little stuff in utility and aesthetic categories. Pity. This might be a good oportunity next year for points and what do points mean,....... prizes!

best wishes,
David Charlesworth

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