Myford ML8 drive belt

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24 Jan 2016
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I have just bought a Myford ML8 Grey. Can any experienced owner be kind enough advise me where I can get links for the original drive belt
Thanks for your avise Rodders.
Had found these guys and store.lathes on Google, but was hopping to save the cost of buying a new belt and just repair the old one. The design is very sensible I wish they had used them on the old mk1 mini's
You probably know this but, the original ML8 was painted yellow, then silver, and finally green. I have a parts diagram if you're interested. Send me your email address if you want a scan of it. My old ML8 had no belt when I bought it, so rather than try to remove the spindle,I bought a plastic link belt which has been in place now for 30 odd years. I don't find it noisy. A bit expensive though.

I don't think putting new links in old belt is going to work. The new ones aren't going to be the same dimensions so could cause tension problems and roughness in running. I think you'll have to bite the bullet and get a complete new belt.
Thanks for that sounds good advice. But if anybody out there has an old broken belt, I would love to give it a good home.