MS Outlook Password problem?

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Established Member
15 Nov 2004
Reaction score
Nr Dorchester Dorset
Hi All,
For some reason MS Outlook (2003) has started flashing the 'Enter Network Password' screen at me every time I hit Send/Receive Mail.

Everything is alreadt filled in correctly bu each time I hit OK the screen just comes back. I have re-entered the correct password numerous times.

A royal PITA let me tell you!

Any thoughts from the techies please?

Best Regards
Need a bit more info, Mahking.

Are you on dial-up or broadband? If the latter then I suspect that your ISP has changed the configuration at their end and as a result you've got yhis problem. BT Openworld by any chance?
Have you thought that it might me the mail server at the ISP end that is rejecting your username/password?

A way of testing this is to telnet into the mail server
Description follows...

1. open up a Dos window (start, programs, accessories, command prompt)

2. Type the following...

telnet "your mailserver address" 110
user "your username"
pass "your password"

list (lists any messages in your mailbox)

If all the above works, then the problem is at your end :(

A sample session follows

telent 110
+OK POP3 Ready blaster 0001e8bc
user ######
+OK USER ###### set, mate
pass ######
+OK Mailbox ready
+OK POP3 clients that break here, they violate STD53.

I hope the above helps

+OK Bye-bye.

Connection to host lost.


Managed to change the password and used the 'send test message' button which worked eventually. Got all my mail OK but getting the the same problem again now.
Am on BT Broadband 15GB limit
Thanks for taking the trouble to try and help.

Sounds a bit beyond me that DOS stuff but will give it a go if problem persists, many thanks.

Hah...thought so...Bt Broadband...muppets. I had the same problem. They'd reconfigured their mail servers and this messed up my Outlook settings. The bad news is that it took me a LONG time to get it sorted as they insisted that there was nothing wrong at their end. There was.

Also, there is a 'cache' or similar in Outlook that stores the password and this overrides what you have just typed in...a sort of stickie...but somehow you need to get this stickie to pick up your new settings.

But..I'm really sorry it was such a long time ago that I can't remember how I did it. I do remember having to bludgeon BT to put me through to third line support to get it fixed.

I had to threaten them with taking the account elsewhere to get it resolved. ZEN RULE OK!!!

Suggest you start the long haul with BT support. Good luck!!

I'm assuming that your POP3 mail server is BT and not a different one (like me)
Also, there is a 'cache' or similar in Outlook that stores the password and this overrides what you have just typed in...a sort of stickie...but somehow you need to get this stickie to pick up your new settings.

This sounds like exactly the problem I have; is this cache a file on my machine or at the other end? How would I find it and can it be binned and create a new one?

This all sounds a lot deeper than I can swim....

Sorry Martin

I can't remember. IIRC BT talked me through it but it did require arm twisting as they said 'it's your software that's the problem' ...until I pointed out that it was because of them that i had the problem.

have you spoken to them? In my case they actually changed around the mail server accounts so that I was actually on another server.

EDIT Try this one Martin but take care ...editing the registry time :twisted: ... us;Q290684

Or this to delete old files

c:\documents and settings\profile\application data\outlook which files needs to be deleted to delete old cached email addresses and names? delete the .nk2 files BUT backup first in case you lose something important

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