Mounting a DX5000 (preventing vibe's 'nd sound) ??

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Established Member
10 Oct 2005
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I’ve had a Record DX5000 extractor for a couple of months but due to the lack of wall space I had built a wooden stand for it to be fixed to, Well with a lot of shunting around in the garage I have finally managed to find just enough wall space to mount it on (a little job for over the Christmas period) now this is where my slight concern arises. The wall I intend to mount the extractor on is the kitchen wall so I would prefer it if I could keep the sound and vibrations to a min going through the wall, I’ve got some 3mm thick 80 shore nitrile rubber sheet that I was thinking to fitting between the bracket and the wall and another piece between the bracket and the drum which I hope should deaden the noise travelling through the wall do you think it would also be advisable to first mount the extractor on to a piece of wooden baton before fitting to the wall (along with the rubber sheet) or do you think that would be overkill? Any other pointers?



You could always try old-fashioned thick carpet felt - cheap as chips and a good sound insulator. Make sure that you use hammer-in frame fixings rather than screws - they're better at insulating, too, as the sound doesn't transmit from the wall to the timber through the nylon sleeve

I think the sheet of rubber sounds a bit on the hard side at 80 shore, I am planning something simular with Tony, we are using 4 off 60 shore bobbin mounts of about 15 mm dia. It depends upon the weight and the speed of the extractor motor. The units Tony and I have are about 25kg stripped down of all unimportant bits. If yours is heavier than that a harder compound will be ok, if not then the hard compound will transmit noise through the bracket.
I think that if you cut the sheet up and made a few stacks you might be better off, or use a softer rubber sheet.

Oh yes and dont forget that the fixings should not go through the rubber sheet, also that rubber is best used in compression or at least shear compression.

Hope this helps

Well for better or worse the extractor is now finally mounted on the wall and I must say it seems quieter now its firmly mounted, in the end I went for a composite om materials that I had to hand to deaden the sound 1st was a layer 3mm rubber sheet then 10mm of closed cell neoprene rubber foam and finally another 3mm rubber sheet the reason I went for the rubber on the foam is it would give the foam a bit more strength when mounting.

More importantly her in doors is happy

sounds good :wink:
Technically the foam being the softest of the materials is doing all the work, but as they say if it works and it passes the SWMBO's test then it must be good.


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