Money Box advice

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Established Member
27 Sep 2005
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Milton Keynes
Hello all,
I'm planning to make a small wooden money box, It'll be approximately a 6 inch cube.

What I can't think of is a nice easy way of making an opening to get the money out. I supose I could leave it glued shut till it's full, but would prefer a nice way of making it open.

I've seen some box locks, but they look quite expensive (£7) and would mean me making a neatly fittng door. I'd rather not do that on my first real project. I could quite easily make screw the bottom in so that I can open it with a screwdriver, but any other suggestions are welcome.

Also advice on a cheap place for small box hardware (hinges, latches, locks etc) would be great. I'd like to make a few more small boxes, they look fun.


Wilkinsons sell quite good 25mm solid brass hinges (better quality than most DIY outlets) and catches.

As far a getting the money out you could, depending on tools available, form a round hole in the base and fit the time honoured cork. Or a plate over the hole, fixed by screws. Or make the box, then cut it in two about 1" from the bottom, then run a couple of screws up from the base and into the top part to hold the box together (the screws would need to be thin in order to give room to drill up through the sides)

GCR":2e8qokl2 said:

Wilkinsons sell quite good 25mm solid brass hinges (better quality than most DIY outlets) and catches.

As far a getting the money out you could, depending on tools available, form a round hole in the base and fit the time honoured cork. Or a plate over the hole, fixed by screws. Or make the box, then cut it in two about 1" from the bottom, then run a couple of screws up from the base and into the top part to hold the box together (the screws would need to be thin in order to give room to drill up through the sides)


Thanks Bob, i'll take a look at wilkinsons.
Drilling a hole isn't a problem, but finding a cork to fit a £2 coin might be.
why isn't there a cork/stopper shop when you need one :)

Another idea I just had would be to take a plastic bottle (with an opening large enough for a £2 coin) and cut the top few inches off it. This could then be screwed into a hole in the bottom of the box (which would have to be on legs) then you'd have a scew on lid for the box.
(if any of that makes sense i'll be amazed)

I've made a few in my time, and I usually either:
a) just make a big slot, so that they can get a knife in and shake the money out in the time-honoured tradition (no point making it too easy, it's supposed to be for savings, isn't it?) or
b) sand a wooden disk to fit and glue it behind part of the design. So I've made elephants, owls, dogs, etc, where you pull off the nose, or the wing, or whatever. Not sure what it teaches tinies about animal welfare, though...

Easy way to bung the round hole is to use one of the plastic endcaps that you get with cardboard postal tubes, 50mm one will make it easy to get all those notes out :D

Will post a few hardware links later.

Just off to SLH to pick up some timber

Cardboard mailing tube caps? What a brilliant idea, Jason! I've been trying to find money box plugs myself, but I gave up years ago because I couldn't find anything suitable.

Here's a link to Aid-Pack which sells spare end caps. My order will going in very soon.

Thanks ever so much for the suggestion :).

Gill":39m1zmje said:
Here's a link to Aid-Pack which sells spare end caps. My order will going in very soon.
Only sold in packs of 100, might be worth trying staples and the like.
but definately a great idea.
Now I know what I'm looking for, I'm finding more suppliers out there. I wish I'd known this decades ago.

I haven't spoken to these potential suppliers yet to check things like costs, minimum order size etc, but they certainly produce what we're looking for:

Component Force

For other sundries, you could check out Hobbies of Dereham I know there are other craft suppliers who also retail in the UK, but at present I can only think of 'Murrican retailers such as Wildwood Designs :roll: .


Edit: PS I've just had an email from Component Force offering to send me some free cap/plug samples :D . I'll post more details when they arrive.
It might be cheaper to buy a mailing tube with the plastic ends than to buy 100 of those caps.

I've got an idea for a wooden plug if you'd be interested.
Another option are the plugs used to fill unused hinge holes on kitchen cabinet doors, woodfit & isaac lord do them and maybe the sheds, good thing is 35mm bits are easily available to fit the hole.

How about opening the top , a secret slide to open the box would be fun .
I have a box just like it :D Id post pics but im just to stupid to work out how :lol:

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