ive finally made something


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Established Member
16 Oct 2012
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Ive finally got roound to making something, well two things, ive learnt a lot already, the fish tank is for my desk at work and the other is a present for my mate(he is an IT nerd if you were wondering). I found the tight turns dificult, is it best toincrease the speed of the blade? Ive had it on the lowest speed upton now


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Well done for your first project,I myself only have a single speed so I have had to adapt to it.So I can not judge if using the faster speed will help,but taking your time when cutting and a steady hand helps. :roll:

Very well done, you will be soon taking orders from workmates!. Regarding speed ,a faster setting normally helps with turns but play around and see what suits you

Well done on your first projects, you have certainly not gone for the easiest of things to make a start so all the more impressive. You need to slow down on tight turns to ensure you remain on the line of the pattern but not to slow or you will burn the wood. I tend to use full speed on most things but with the wording on the glasses and the small cut outs on the tank I would again go at a slower speed. As you become more experienced you will naturally become faster and increase the speed. We look forward to seeing more projects. Well done.
Thank you all for your nice comments, am generally quite pleased but ive cocked up in a few places and drifted off the line in places which is annoying. Ill have to pratice more, its just finding the time.
You jumped in at the deep end for first tries, and made a good job of it. Following those lines will come with practice. If you drift off line, don't try to turn suddenly to get back online, do it gradually and maybe no one will notice. I know from experience. :)
Well done, you didn't start on some simple did you.

But fair play and well done again, stick with.

My biggest pleasure is when I give something I've made to someone, and they say " You made this,...... with what?"
I thought I may as well test my self straight away. It is a nice feeling when the people I have shown are impressed with the things ive made. I think I need to learn to be a bit more patient rather than trying to rush things

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