Grindstone Trimmer.

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Established Member
4 Feb 2018
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Started sorting some of late father-in-laws things in his shed and come across a Huntington B1 Grindstone Trimmer (whatever one of them is :oops: ). At first didn't have a clue what it was but a quick google told me what it was, but not what to do with it :? .

Do I need one? How do I use it? Should I bin it?

It's used to dress the edge of the grinding wheel by removing a little of the worn and possibly clogged abrasive. It's intended to be hooked over the edge of the tool rest with a small clearance between the rotating discs and the grindstone before starting the grinder and lifting the handle to bring the discs into gentle contact with the wheel. Eye protection and a dust mask are essential wear.
They are a bit alarming to use initially because of the noise and dust.
Work well if a bit aggressive. Great if people have been doing things they shouldn't like grinding wood or not dressing the wheel and wearing deep groves etc.
Yes as already said.
I use mine occasionally and it does a great job but pretty messy, go gently or your stone will be rendered smaller very quickly :wink:

Used it last week as it happens because I'd abused wheel shaping a piece of aluminium bar :roll:
Replaced these days by diamond dressers which do a much neater and smoother job without reducing the wheel to nothing.
It's not very often I use my bench grinder so it will be a long time before it gets clogged up or put of shape. I think I'll keep it in the back of a drawer just in case, after all it doesn't take up any room :wink: .

Rorschach":35qp2c5y said:
Replaced these days by diamond dressers which do a much neater and smoother job without reducing the wheel to nothing.

Surely you only remove what needs removing whether using a wheel dresser, a diamond dresser or a devil stone? :?
phil.p":z7so2dti said:
Rorschach":z7so2dti said:
Replaced these days by diamond dressers which do a much neater and smoother job without reducing the wheel to nothing.

Surely you only remove what needs removing whether using a wheel dresser, a diamond dresser or a devil stone? :?


My warning was to be careful as like most tools you have to learn how to use it. Mine takes only a couple of seconds to dress the stones. It is faster than either the devil stone or diamond tool I have though.
Diamond dresser was a game changer for me. So easy and effortless to take off a tiny amount and get the wheel straight and cutting good again.

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phil.p":8xmrsucq said:
Rorschach":8xmrsucq said:
Replaced these days by diamond dressers which do a much neater and smoother job without reducing the wheel to nothing.

Surely you only remove what needs removing whether using a wheel dresser, a diamond dresser or a devil stone? :?

Oh yes absolutely but with the aggressive methods you take off too much just by their nature. A fine diamond dresser is much more controllable so you take off the bare minimum.

The wheel type in the OP hacks off a lot of material really quickly and leaves a fairly coarse surface that itself wears faster than the smooth flat surface left by a diamond stick.

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