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the total futility of war.
Hmm! As a Jew who would not have survived and who lost 23 family members in the Nazi camps I feel entitled to disagree with that.
The NHS service was started up with money from the American Marshal Aid Plan as stated on TV a few weeks ago by Andrew Marr, and I would prefer to be America's 51st state to a satellite of Nazi Germany.
Personal opinion.

Appropo of nothing but I recall that the UK recently ( sometime in the last 10 years) finished the REPAYMENT of our war debt to the USA.

It wasn't free we paid for something like 50 + years to have our US allies tell us they gave us aid.

Did Germany pay back its Marshal Plan aid. I don't know but would be interested to hear.


Very true Travis, and pacifism only works with others of a like mind. Turning the other cheek only gets a another smack in teeth in my experience.

Blimey, I've seen some convoluted discussions on here before now but this one takes the biscuit!

My 2p's worth

I am not Anti American, in fact I've often thought about moving there, but I'm afraid 2 things keep me here (that are often moaned about), the NHS and Employment Law, but I do believe that Bush's approach to foreign policy has been driven by bad intelligence (in more ways than one)

As to America's help during WWII, don't let anyone try and pretend we didn't need it. We Did, that's why Churchill spent most of the time when he wasn't boosting our morale, begging Roosevelt for help. And even if the soldiers were just cannon fodder (and soldiers are always cannon fodder - that's where the phrase comes from) there deaths saved us from a european fascist superstate (which the EU s a long way from for all of you preparing that statement).

Every nation over it's history has done some stuff it could be ashamed of, but to be fair, America as it's stands today is probably a bit young to take too much blame. Remember, it's generally true that the attitude to Native Americans came from the European settlers.

I don't know if it's reasonable to blame Oil completely for Iraq, If it hadn't have been for Hussains treatment of his people we would never have been able to justify it. The same is true of Afganistan and the Taliban. Only an silly person thinks that an facet of world politics is so simple as to be explainable in a single phrase.

If the Iraq war is bad Karma for Bush and Blair couldn't you also argue that they were just delivers of Hussains Karmic Fate? might it be that Hitler was just delivering a Karmic Judgement to Jews, Homosexuals and Gypsies? wasn't the Coach Driver who pushed my Dad's van off the road killing him just delivering Karmic Judgement for some unknown crime?

I don't apologise for having my opinions, and I don't expect anyone else to either, fortunately that's one of the freedoms all of those soldiers who have died in my name, from the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, India, and many more nations to protect

I suppose that was more that 2p's worth, and I honestly don't want to offend anyone with what I have said above, hopefully you'll see that I was just trying to make a point.

I should also point out that I am a devout atheist.
I don't know about the Karmic judgement Dave nor am I qualified to suggest otherwise, but historically I think you've well summed it all up correctly.

As was mentioned earlier. Now that our indebtedness has now been finally been paid to USA I for one would wish to become as detached from association with the USA and attach more to Europe. I personally would trust Iran and Palestine over the USA and as the Indian Sub Continent and China replace them as the up and coming new super power I would prefer to look to the East for stability. After all they have much more experience and history in these sort of things as a civilization than the West. Let us not forget that this forum is a UK based discussion group and time spent discussing issues more close to home might be more more beneficial. I guess that is one of the failings of forums that have an off topic category.
I think that I would sooner have the USA as an ally than ANY country from the middle east regardless of how much oil they have, I'd rather use a candle than be beholding to peoples who still stone some to death, their women are only allowed to walk behind their husband (that's assuming he only has one wife) Capital punishment witnessed by all and sundry, and they don't drink and gamble, that is until they come to this country, there is nothing worse than a hypocrite, give me a Yank as a friend anyday.


Digit":1r3024e3 said:
After all they have much more experience and history in these sort of things as a civilization than the West.

You might like to read this...


But they still have more experience and history in these sort of things, as a civilisation, than the West- Fact- they also know how to spell, unlike the USA and Microsoft.
I might be inclined to argue that a people who kill so many of their own could be called civilised, that is a far higher figure than the Nazis killed of their own, and few would consider them civilised I think. That of course does not include the Tibetans either.

I'm getting really bored with this topic now so if it is all the same you I will bid you all a fond farewell and return to more interesting matters.

Regarding Tibet, and I speak as a practicing Tibetan Mahayana Buddhist I do not have issues regarding China's alleged treatment of the Tibetans which, incidentally has improved dramatically since the Chinese have embraced Buddhism. China has moved a long way from where it stood under the Communist regime and I, for one feel we need to give them a chance to show what contribution they can bring to the world.

The next major focus for all of mankind will not be oil but water. The Tibetan Plateau and the Himalayas hold 60% of the planets fresh water
kenneth cooke":1bi0kwnn said:
As was mentioned earlier. Now that our indebtedness has now been finally been paid to USA I for one would wish to become as detached from association with the USA and attach more to Europe. I personally would trust Iran and Palestine over the USA and as the Indian Sub Continent and China replace them as the up and coming new super power I would prefer to look to the East for stability. After all they have much more experience and history in these sort of things as a civilization than the West. Let us not forget that this forum is a UK based discussion group and time spent discussing issues more close to home might be more more beneficial. I guess that is one of the failings of forums that have an off topic category.

Boy we are beating a dead horse here but it sounded like he wants Iran&Palastine as friends....did he not here that those two countrys want to kill everybody in England and the US ??While they do have a lot of history of killing THo :roll: I guess he is in favor of that then.
Let see it all starts out as jealousness Cain kills Abel....if we can not have what the other guy has we kill them.Oh I see it want to rule the world.

Muslims have the Koren ,Jews have the old test. & we fight between ourselves because God said What?? Love Thy Neigbor....I`m confused :arrow:
I'm amazed that important topics can become boring when other folk disagree with you, polemic, maybe, but NOT boring.


Grinding One":2inz7atx said:
kenneth cooke":2inz7atx said:
As was mentioned earlier. Now that our indebtedness has now been finally been paid to USA I for one would wish to become as detached from association with the USA and attach more to Europe. I personally would trust Iran and Palestine over the USA and as the Indian Sub Continent and China replace them as the up and coming new super power I would prefer to look to the East for stability. After all they have much more experience and history in these sort of things as a civilization than the West. Let us not forget that this forum is a UK based discussion group and time spent discussing issues more close to home might be more more beneficial. I guess that is one of the failings of forums that have an off topic category.

Boy we are beating a dead horse here but it sounded like he wants Iran&Palastine as friends....did he not here that those two countrys want to kill everybody in England and the US ??While they do have a lot of history of killing THo :roll: I guess he is in favor of that then.
Let see it all starts out as jealousness Cain kills Abel....if we can not have what the other guy has we kill them.Oh I see it want to rule the world.

Muslims have the Koren ,Jews have the old test. & we fight between ourselves because God said What?? Love Thy Neigbor....I`m confused :arrow:

An all of this banter because a Bloke lost some Dough,anybody got a handle on how much was taken??
As an after thought the Illegals I was referring too are not running to our country because of persecution its because of Jobs and free money and houseing and medical ,have a baby in America and you can stay (they are called anchor babys ,Really)and American shell out more in insurance because these people do not have any(hence free doctoring)
Somebody should tell them we shipped all of our jobs out to third would countries.... :shock: Now they have to go back home for a good job....
Grinding One":1xic8mji said:
kenneth cooke":1xic8mji said:
As was mentioned earlier. Now that our indebtedness has now been finally been paid to USA I for one would wish to become as detached from association with the USA and attach more to Europe. I personally would trust Iran and Palestine over the USA and as the Indian Sub Continent and China replace them as the up and coming new super power I would prefer to look to the East for stability. After all they have much more experience and history in these sort of things as a civilization than the West. Let us not forget that this forum is a UK based discussion group and time spent discussing issues more close to home might be more more beneficial. I guess that is one of the failings of forums that have an off topic category.

Boy we are beating a dead horse here but it sounded like he wants Iran&Palastine as friends....did he not here that those two countrys want to kill everybody in England and the US ??While they do have a lot of history of killing THo :roll: I guess he is in favor of that then.
Let see it all starts out as jealousness Cain kills Abel....if we can not have what the other guy has we kill them.Oh I see it want to rule the world.

Muslims have the Koren ,Jews have the old test. & we fight between ourselves because God said What?? Love Thy Neigbor....I`m confused :arrow:

Exactly as I said earlier. The USA is scared of it's own shadow, and no, unlike, the USA, I do not wish to rule the world. I only wish for better grammar and improved standards in literacy. Believe me God will not save you
An all of this banter because a Bloke lost some Dough

Yep, where else can you get this amount of entertainment. Just so long as people don't take things too seriously.

Believe me now 90% of the Americans are not afraid of anybody,remember we are your rejects...I`m afraid of the stupid guys with their hands on the button`s.One stupid act can end it all,and the people over there are killing themselves because they can get Virgins in Heaven??