Cost of reclaimed pine floorboards

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Established Member
14 Nov 2012
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I need to replace some boards on my upstairs landing. It's an oldish house (mid C19) and I'd like to keep the flooring in character. The original boards are about 10 by 3/4 inch. I've had a look on eBay and Gumtree and it seems I can get reclaimed boards at about £40 per square metre, or new pitch pine at about the same price - but the pitch pine is T&G, which I don't need. Seems a bit steep to me, but maybe it's OK for boards of this width? Any advice?
I'd expect reclaimed to cost about the same as new redwood, that's my experience from looking for small quantities at retail here in Bristol. The fashion for old sanded boards seems quite resilient!

If you want a few boards to match and be on show, it might be worth lifting some of your own from a carpeted room.

10" wide is wider than many and might be hard to find. Ours are about 8 x 3/4". (Late 19th century.)
I had my house refloored in reclaimed boards about 15 years ago. The price was about the same as new boards. I think the wood was slightly cheaper but the laying dearer because of the preparation work with some of them. The main difference is that the old boards have so much more character.

LASSCO was my course and they had an enormous selection. Main place in Battersea, with more around the country now.
Thanks for replies. I have indeed lifted some boards (some disintegrated on lifting, pretty wormy) and the are certainly 3/4". Ish. I assume they are original - nails like this:


Looking at LASSCO (thanks MusicMan, not come across them) I guess £40/m^2 isn't unreasonable . I guess I struck lucky when I did the bathroom, I found 8 foot x 10" reclaimed boards at £8 apiece, should have bought the lot.

Unfortunately the few (moth eaten) carpeted areas of the house have been patched and won't yield usable boards.


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