Best wishes to Americas new president

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Terrific speech. Not going to be easy living up to his aims but a strong breath of fresh air.
"I wike him, wery much" :D
Noel":3tztj8rw said:
Terrific speech. Not going to be easy living up to his aims but a strong breath of fresh air.

Well said. Inspirational although I wish he and his wife gave each other a big hug rather than a pat on the back.

One GB gone, just one to go!

Oh, Mr minor point.'s pronounced New not Noo and Duty not Dooty. Pet hate. Sorry. Good luck to you, Sir.
I took a couple of hours off work to come home early to watch what I reckon will be one of the more memorable episodes of history in my lifetime. I remember dogs being turned on black people who dared to ask to vote, and I remember Ali throwing his Olympic medal in the river after being turned away from a restaurant in his home town simply because of his colour. I watched on grainy black and white TV as armed soldiers had to escort kids to school simply because they had the temerity to lawfully go to their local school.

This is a fantastic, hopeful day! I hope that the moderators see this thread as acknowledging history rather than being political, and I hope that cynicsm doesn't rain on the parade! I hope also that Robert Mugabe sees the enormous contrast between Obama's way and his, and dies instantly of shame........

I wish him well, a fantastic speech, not one single umm or er or uh, and all without the aid of a speech sheet, totally from the heart, I can't imagine any of our witless lot speaking at length like that, the last speakers we had that could hold an audience spellbound and in awe as Obama did were, ironically, Enoch powell and Winnie before him, I think the American people will now be led by reason rather than the love of oil and guns and it's in the whole worlds interests that his aspirations come to fruition, good luck to him.

Yes he certainly talks sense, I just hope he can deliver everything he promises. Good luck for the future Mr President.

I actually enjoyed listening to him unlike watching our Mr Brown suck his bottom lip at the end of every sentence, now that does aggravate me. :evil:
Sorry to disappoint you Rich about speech sheets,
but he uses auto cues, one each side of the rostrum.
He doesn't appear to look at them which is why he he's such a good orator. however he does write his own speeches.
After dubya he's like a breath of fresh air. I wish all the best in the world to him.

John. B
I too wish him well and think it is about time this happened in the USA, however I wonder how long he will be in office given the past experiences of great black Americans. (Martin Luther King to name but one)
I'd agree with all of the above, he seems a decent bloke.

Its nice to see that the colonials are finally getting over their racism & resultant hypocrisy (all men being equal etc)


What difference will he make to us??
USA honouring the often spoken "special relationship" would be a start but I'm not holding my breath.

Bush was a "mirror" of Joe Average American - they have little idea of the world beyond their borders, have an inflated view of their abilities and take history lessons from Hollywood.
he would make a great used car dealer!!
he would tell you exactly what you want to hear

one man cant change things that much
devonwoody":kjhhn6fd said:
Just listened to President B. H Obama speech and could not fault one of his aims.

Which one was that then DW? :D
I have tried to stay out of this thread but:

Lurker said: "Bush was a "mirror" of Joe Average American - they have little idea of the world beyond their borders, have an inflated view of their abilities and take history lessons from Hollywood."

We may have some problems (which country doesn't) but to paint us with the same brush is unjust. :D I am proud to be an American (most of the time). I also suggesst that you may want to get your ducks in a row before making such a broad statement. :D :D

pinkyinboro said:

"one man cant change things that much"

Bingo :D :D :D

O`boy stirred up a nest of critters there now haven`t we....
1 st things first.....He wanted to do things like Honest Abe Lincoln did...road the train ,Whistle Stops in every town.Sworn in on the same Bible Abe was sworn in on....Is from the same Illinois State (But both were born in other states)elected out of Illinois to Congress first....But as I recall Abe died in office,Obama has had two close calls so far....I would not like his odds if he stirs the pot to much..
I never liked a liar,he stated if he got into Congress he was not interested in nothing but working for my state....well my friends he did nothing but go on a campaign trail....where was he passing bills?? Votes?? On the trail....Nope just another politican who dresses nice and has a good speech ....
He got a lot of debt to settle that Bush left him ...But he says he can not do it alone...hello we knew that.We are as a nation broke.Speeches do not put food on the table.All of our jobs left our country( Except Service Type)...
For him to pull this off would be a fantastic job.But it is in all of our interest to see him do well. I do not see it happening...the Honnymoon is over ,let us get to the news papers start the grind all over again (Hold his feet to the fire )

You are quite correct in that I should not tar you all with the same brush - sorry!

However my views were formed over 10 years working in 4 different states.

I love USA people for their can do attitude.
I loved the place even more when I got 2 dollars to the pound :lol:
I wish him and his family well too...I hope he starts to turn things around (did I hear hints of a 'new deal' aka FDR in his speech?) and there was definitely a barbed reference to Mugabae (and others I think) in there as well.
I had to smile at Lurker's comment though as it reminded me of when my mother visited Tennessee in the 70's. When she explained to the person she stayed with that she'd come from England, her relative turned to my mum and asked..."if she'd driven all the way" :shock: so I can see the angle of the comment, but I've no personal experience of this sort of thing with 'murricans.
End of the day, he's got to be a whole heap better than Dubya :wink: - Rob
If these posts had been comparing Mr Brown and Mr. Cameron the thread would be locked and rightly so, I think we just wanted to say we hope the new President is a success for the USA.
woodbloke":15lklu0c said:
End of the day, he's got to be a whole heap better than Dubya :wink: - Rob

So's the guy who empties my bins.......... :D


edit....which isn't meant to cast nasturtiums on bin men.............! :D
Well certainly essex bin men are unlikely to have so much blood on their hands

Sorry DW - hat coat etc
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