Axminster Power Tool Reviews

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Established Member
26 Apr 2007
Reaction score
A while back, Axminster Power Tool added a "review" feature to their website. Every product can have reviews from customers. I happily contributed a number of middling-to-excellent reviews of various tools, which Axminster put on their website. I then posted an excoriating review of a tool I bought which I thought was of unacceptable quality, and which I threw away. Axminster didn't publish it. Has anyone else had a similar experience?
inventor":4i4b50uo said:
excoriating review

Another new word I've learnt :)

Like a lot of people I do look at the reviews but I don't expect to see negative ones - maybe a bit of extra information if you are lucky. The web site is there to sell things for its owner so they are bound to censor the reviews. Ebuyer the computer bits seller has loads of reviews but very few critical ones.

If you were selling something that most people didn't complain about would you leave the odd negative comment visible on your web site?
ex·co·ri·ate (k-skôr-t)
To scratch or otherwise abrade the skin by physical means.

I had to look that up :?

Will be looking for an excuse to use it now...
Rutlands are the same. Made what I thought were constructive, informative comments and suggestions about a Fox morticer purchased from them, including correcting important technical details, and they never published it, nor did they correct the technical details and still haven't to date !!!

Feedback on this forum is much more useful and reliable !!!

Cheers, Paul. :D
Roger Sinden":ynu329vf said:
I heard the word 'labile' on Channel 4 News last night. I thought it was a naughty word until I looked it up :wink:

Makes a Change from a sentence full of expletives which seems to be the norm these days.