Adirondack Chairs

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Established Member
19 Dec 2012
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Hi All

I'd like some advice please, I'm generally a wood turner by habit but I want to build some Adirondack chairs for the garden, I've heard that Cedar is a good wood to build outdoor furniture with , I can get Western Red Cedar from Wickes which seems to be a fair price, is this OK to use, I've seen teak and mahogany reccommended but i'm not sure that I can afford that sort of price.

Any suggestions would be welcomed.

I can say from experience that Canadian White Cedar is good - it's what the original chair in this old thread was made from and it's still sound after about fifteen years or so.

And the oak chair I made to match it is also completely ok but that's not quite three years old so far.
Hi Andy

Thanks for the prompt reply, I'll show my ignorance here :oops: but is Western Red Cedar the same as Canadian White Cedar but with a different colour to it?


kjmc1957":1o9x0h71 said:
Hi Andy

Thanks for the prompt reply, I'll show my ignorance here :oops: but is Western Red Cedar the same as Canadian White Cedar but with a different colour to it?



I expect they will be different trees with similar properties.

I've not used Western Red Cedar myself, but from what I have read it sounds ideal for making a garden chair from - easy to work, straight-grained and naturally durable without any treatment. I'd go for it!
Hi Andy

Thanks for the interest and the support, I'll try to remember to do a WIP, I have the Plans for a Greene and Greene Adirondack chair, that's what I'm aiming for.


I don't know why they aren't more popular over here. They are certainly much more comfortable than they look (no need for cushions) and quite easy to make. I think I'll go and test mine again!
Very stylish design - I like it. - How many will you make?