can I get some advise on a cheap (ish) saw for cutting wood smooth accurate cuts for long bow staves / parquet / table tops where wood meets wood with no gap or join visable type thing - I can't cut straight by hand & need a small saw (limited space & money) apart from the really expensive makita/dewalt/bosch saws are there any others - I saw the evolution rage 6 on my web wondering anyone know this (what looks like a chop saw to me) any help would be great cheers S
can I get some advise on a cheap (ish) saw for cutting wood smooth accurate cuts for long bow staves / parquet / table tops where wood meets wood with no gap or join visable type thing - I can't cut straight by hand & need a small saw (limited space & money) apart from the really expensive makita/dewalt/bosch saws are there any others - I saw the evolution rage 6 on my web wondering anyone know this (what looks like a chop saw to me) any help would be great cheers S