3 Phase Converters


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Established Member
21 Dec 2015
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Hi Folks

Just wondering if anyone has used one of these convertors and if they are any good

Phase Converters
offer a wide range of Single to Three Phase converters, of both static and rotary types. These units convert a standard single phase supply to a 3 phase supply where it would be expensive or difficult to install three phase supply.

I suggest you do some searching of the forum for 3 phase convertor, 3 phase supplies or single to three phase conversion in the search box above.

Then trawl your way though the dozens if not hundreds of forum posts on the subject that will be linked dependant upon the phrase used.

This will give you many members experiences and just about all the advice and source references you will need.
I have a transwave static converter running a wadkin ber3 with a 5.5 hp motor and although it works ok I would definitely go for a rotary type if i was to buy again for the simple reason that you have less power loss.
Regards Arfon.
I wonder if an inverter isn't the better option, though you require one for each 3-phase machine. But it's less clumsy than having a converter running all the time.