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  1. R

    Choosing a finish

    Good morning gents I've just finished a small turning project. The wood i used is cocobola. As you can see it is going to be a shaveing brush for my great nephiew who had his first shave a couple of days ago. The question i have is.. I want to maintain the 'feel' of the wool but dont want it to...
  2. R

    Advice needed

    Good morning gentlemen and ladies I've been commissioned to make a shaveing brush for a barber. He has used my personal brush and was very impressed with it. However the type of wood he Is interested in is pink ivory. I've never. Worked with it let alone turned it, so my question is. Would it be...
  3. R

    Pressure washer head ache

    Hello chaps my kercher 550 decided to give up the ghost yesterday. The motor wouldn't kick in. Just buzzing as if it was stalling.well a little research, and it turns out it's the capacitor. The wise people at kercher decided to epoxy the capacitor into the housing. Well that is like a red rag...
  4. R

    A pain of a location for a work shop

    Hi chaps an chapesses I need a work shop. The only way I can build it is out side in as it is surrounded on three sides by my a brick wall and two fence panels and concrete posts. I'm sat here scratching my head how to proceed. Arggg live life to the fullest. You only get one. at least in most...
  5. R

    Just curious

    Here's one for all you turning masters. What would you say is the most difficult, form/shape or thingie magig that you have turned successfully. I know it a subjective question. But I'm just curious live life to the fullest. You only get one. at least in most cultures. :-S
  6. R

    Turning books

    Good morning gentlemen. I understand that this question has probably been asked a thousand times. But, what is the definitive guide to wood turning. I understand. That this may well be a very subjective question. Also is it available on the big river site. Thank you all in advance :-) live life...
  7. R

    Has anyone used this

    as I'm looking into getting. It and a review from you learned gentlemen would go a long way to making up my mind :mrgreen::mrgreen: live life to the fullest. You only get one. at least in most cultures. :-S
  8. R

    Different ideas show and tell

    Hello gentlemen as the title suggests I would. Hope that we could. Show what we are working. On even if it's a little bit off the wall. I opened. This thread because. I started to hijack another. As in that I posted. Pics of what. I get up to if requested I will do so again here. I don't want my...
  9. R

    Newbie check in

    Good day gentlemen. You may have noticed by my user name. I like razors and related products. So a couple of weeks ago I had the idea of turning my own brush. To match a straight razor I restored this may be a simple thing to the professional turners on here but I had never even been within 10...