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  1. G

    Retro fit Dust Hood advice required

    Hi guys, I am thinking of replaceing the dust hood on my Deft T30, with the retro fit dust hood on Axminster The supplied hood on the Deft bolts onto the Riving knife, and stops me being able to wind the...
  2. G

    Hardword source Required

    Hi all, Not really sure if this is the right forum or not. Can anyone suggest / know of a reasonably priced source of hardwood in cornwall, or a supplier that will deliver. This is only for home projects, so no massive quantities required. Most sizes required to start with will be around the...
  3. G

    Bessey K Clamps

    Hi All, Has anyone bought any of the Bessey Revo Clamps, They look superb, but damn expensive, I would love to hear from anyone that can help justify the price, or recommend an equivalent. Many...
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    INCRA TS-LS system

    Hi all, Its arrived, and I'm now about to start unpacking, and reading the manual, first impressions are good. I've got the camera to hand from the start this time, should be able to upload something later this evening. Graham
  5. G


    Thanks 9fingers, I upload my pics to our server, and complete the review with the embedded links. Graham
  6. G

    Deft T30 Table Saw Review

    Hi all, This is my first attempt at wirting a review, so apologies in advance for any mistakes. A little background first. Approx 18 months ago, we vacated our home office, and moved into new office space on the local Industrial estate, leaving a lovely 14ft x 28ft fully insulated, well lite...
  7. G

    Deft T30 Table Saw

    Hi Guys, I posted a while ago, asking for advice on buying a new table saw, well, I have finally made a desicion, and i'm now a proud owner of a Deft T30. Did I say proud, I meant pleased, delighted, beside myself with joy, overwhelmed, can't understand why my wife won't let me bring it to bed...
  8. G

    Which Table Saw to buy

    Hi everybody, I have just signed up to this site after reading a lot of very helpful comments on a loot of subjects, and I am hoping to find some helpful tips here my self. I am an ex chippy (15 - 20 yrs ago) that made me feel old, trying to get back into it again, though only on a home level...