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  • Tris
    Tris replied to the thread Grow your own ... 'shrooms.
    If you've got access to some freshly felled broadleaf tree trunks, not less than 4" thick, you can have a regular supply for years...
  • Tris
    Tris replied to the thread Aurora tonight.
    Don't know why but this triggered a memory Must be Eurovision :dunno:
  • Tris
    Tris replied to the thread Joke Thread 4.
    Dunno, but he keeps calling me Betty
  • Tris
    Tris reacted to GS42's post in the thread Aurora tonight with Like Like.
    It was impressive from Cumbria last night. First time I’ve seen colour in the aurora with my naked eye, normal take a camera to pick it up.
  • Tris
    Tris reacted to selectortone's post in the thread Aurora tonight with Like Like.
    My daughter took this at about 11:00pm last night. She lives near Fleet in Hampshire:
  • Tris
    Tris reacted to Sideways's post in the thread Aurora tonight with Like Like.
    And these from family
  • Tris
    Tris replied to the thread Aurora tonight.
    It's been pretty impressive here for an hour or so, didn't expect to see anything this far south. The colours show up much better in...
  • Tris
    Finally got to see it
    • IMG_20240510_234613263.jpg
  • Tris
    Tris reacted to TRITON's post in the thread Joke Thread 4 with Like Like.
    Positioning of the words can have a bearing on interpretation.
  • Tris
    Tris reacted to Robbo3's post in the thread Joke Thread 4 with Like Like.
    Badly placed ads
  • Tris
    Tris reacted to Bingy man's post in the thread God Bless !! with Like Like.
    Absolutely, I’ve always been sceptical of the so called previous winners- and who of a certain age will ever forget those immortal words...
  • Tris
    Tris replied to the thread Lilac wood.
    Splits badly when drying and often has a spiral grain. Some sources on the net show it with an almost olive like grain but in 30+ years...
  • Tris
    Tris reacted to alan895's post in the thread A sad donation. with Like Like.
    "Never forget all gave some, some gave all." Eight words I wish more people in this me-me-me world would take notice of and appreciate.
  • Tris
    Tris replied to the thread A sad donation..
    What a pity his family cannot appreciate what he went through. As we lose the people who remember it seems we edge ever closer to...
  • Tris
    Tris reacted to Yorkieguy's post in the thread Joke Thread 4 with Like Like.