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    • J
      janner89 replied to the thread Butt hinge size.
      Thanks Niall, must admit I hadn’t factored in the thickness of future paint coats…it’s not something I’m commonly making in truth. I’d...
    • J
      janner89 reacted to Spectric's post in the thread Butt hinge size with Like Like.
      I think you will be ok providing they are quality hinges with decent attachment to the carcass and doors. Are the hinges recessed ?
    • J
      janner89 reacted to niall Y's post in the thread Butt hinge size with Like Like.
      If in doubt, just add another hinge or two. If the doors are real wood then you can expect them to move over time. Then you may well...
    • J
      janner89 replied to the thread Butt hinge size.
      Yes recessed into both face frame and door, and decent quality hinges - I suppose if there is any drop I’ll just add a 3rd hinge. Thanks...
    • J
      Hi chaps, Am in the process of making a set of wardrobes, with birch ply carcasses and poplar shaker doors, see picture attached. I’ve...
      • 14F87905-724C-4290-97ED-462F91ADB108.jpeg
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